The Most Common Issues on .IPA File Upload and Installation

How long will the link be expired?

7 Days.

Is there any limits in installation times per app?

No limitation on installation times per app.

What caused "Upload Fails" error?

a. Incorrect file type. Only .ipa file supported.

b. File size larger than 100Mb.

c. Incomplete .ipa file. Missing .plist or .mobileProvision file.

Why doesn't the iOS install popup appear after tapping "Install on Device" button?

Please check if you have already installed the same app from the App Store, if so, the same file cannot be installed again due to the security behavior by Apple in iOS 8 or above. Delete the app from the App Store and you will be able to install the .ipa file from AppPure.

After tapping "Install" button on the install popup, what to do when nothing seems to happen?

Go back to the homescreen to see if the app icon is already there. After iOS 8, there is no notice on Safari when the app is in process in the background.

Why does the app fail to open after installation?

a. The profile is expired.

b. The device's UDID or iOS version is incompatible with the app.

What to do when "Untrusted Enterprise Develoeper" popup appears after tapping the app?

Go to Settings > General > Profile & Device Management, tap the Enterprise name and then tap “Trust”.