Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
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About HopIN

【HopIN】 新裝上市,快來親身試穿、收藏、分享!

* 互動型錄:最精緻的 HopIN 商品型錄,讓您輕鬆欣賞,愛不釋手。
* 即刻試穿:喜歡就能穿上,給您新鮮有趣的體驗。
* 專屬身形:讓您能塑造個人專屬身形,VIP等級的量身試穿。
* 個性穿搭:上衣、下著、外套多層次隨意更換搭配,打造個人風格造型。
* 情境變換:各種情境背景任您變換,逼真又有趣。
* 社群分享:在Line、Facebook、Instgram分享試穿心得。
* 最新資訊:讓您在最短時間內掌握 HopIN 的各項動態。
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What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.1

Last updated on Nov 29, 2017
Old Versions
Apple 已更新此 App 以使用最新版 Apple 簽署憑證。

- 錯誤修正
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Version History
Nov 29, 2017
Apple 已更新此 App 以使用最新版 Apple 簽署憑證。

- 錯誤修正


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Check the following list to see the minimum requirements of HopIN.
HopIN supports Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean

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