Neutron Music Player

Neutron Music Player

Hi-res audiophile music player

USD 8.99
2.24.7for iPhone, iPad and more
164 Ratings
Neutron Code Limited
61 MB
Update Date
in Music
Age Rating
Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
لقطات الشاشة لـ Neutron Music Player
Neutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصق
Neutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصقNeutron Music Player الملصق

About Neutron Music Player

Neutron Music Player es un reproductor de música avanzado con un motor de audio de 32/64 bits de alta fidelidad desarrollado internamente e independiente de la plataforma, que no confía en la API del reproductor de música del sistema operativo y, por lo tanto, te ofrece una experiencia verdaderamente única.

* Reproduce audio de alta resolución directamente en el DAC interno (incluido el DAC USB) y ofrece un rico conjunto de efectos DSP.

* Es la única aplicación capaz de enviar datos de audio a los renderizadores de red (UPnP/DLNA, Chromecast) con todos los efectos DSP aplicados, incluida la reproducción sin interrupciones.

* Cuenta con un modo único de sobremuestreo PCM a DSD en tiempo real (si lo admite el DAC), para que puedas reproducir tu música favorita en resolución DSD.

¡Ofrece una interfaz de usuario sofisticada con una funcionalidad avanzada de biblioteca multimedia que es apreciada por los audiófilos y amantes de la música de todas partes del mundo!


* Procesamiento de audio de alta resolución de 32/64 bits (audio HD)
* Decodificación y procesamiento de audio independiente del OS
* Compatibilidad con audio de alta resolución (hasta 32 bits, 768 kHz)
* Reproducción bit-perfecta
* Soporta todos los formatos de audio
* DSD nativo (directo o DoP), DSD
* DSD multicanal nativo (4.0 - 5.1: ISO, DFF, DSF)
* Salida a DSD
* Decodificación DSD a PCM
* Formatos de música con módulo: MOD, IM, XM, S3M
* Formato de audio de voz: SPEEX
* Listas de reproducción: CUE, M3U, PLS, ASX, RAM, XSPF, WPL
* Letras (archivos LRC, metadatos)
* Audio en streaming (reproduce transmisiones de radio por internet, Icecast, Shoutcast)
* Soporta bibliotecas multimedia grandes
* Soporta la biblioteca de iTunes (sin DRM) y archivos locales (dentro de la carpeta /Documentos)
* Soporta almacenamiento externo a través del puerto USB Lightning de Apple (iOS 13+)
* Fuentes de música de red:
- Dispositivo de red SMB/CIFS (NAS o PC, recursos compartidos Samba)
- Servidor multimedia UPnP/DLNA
- Servidor SFTP (sobre SSH)
- Servidor FTP
- Servidor WebDAV
* Salida a Chromecast (hasta 24 bits, 192 kHz, sin límite de formato o efectos DSP)
* Salida a renderizador multimedia UPnP/DLNA (hasta 24 bits, 768 kHz, sin límite de formato o efectos DSP)
* Salida directa a DAC USB (a través de adaptador USB OTG, hasta 32 bits, 768 kHz)
* Servidor de renderizador multimedia UPnP/DLNA (sin interrupciones, efectos DSP)
* Servidor multimedia UPnP/DLNA
* Gestión de la biblioteca de música local del dispositivo a través del servidor FTP interno
* Efectos DSP:
- Ecualizador paramétrico (4-60 bandas, totalmente configurable: tipo, frecuencia, Q, ganancia)
- Modo de ecualizador gráfico (21 preajustes)
- Corrección de respuesta de frecuencia (más de 5000 preajustes AutoEq para más de 2500 auriculares, definidos por el usuario)
- Sonido envolvente (Ambiophonic RACE)
- Crossfeed
- Compresor / Limitador
- Retardo temporal
- Dithering
- Tono, tempo
- Inversión de fase
* Filtros de protección contra sobrecarga de altavoces: Subsonic, Ultrasonic
* Normalización por pico, RMS
* Análisis y categorización de tempo/BPM
* Replay Gain de metadatos
* Reproducción sin interrupciones
* Controles de volumen de hardware y preamplificador
* Fundido cruzado
* Re-muestreo opcional de alta calidad en tiempo real
* Analizadores de espectro, forma de onda y RMS en tiempo real
* Balance (L/R)
* Modo mono
* Perfiles
* Modos de reproducción: Aleatorio, Repetir, Pista única, Secuencial, Cola
* Gestión de listas de reproducción
* Agrupación de la biblioteca multimedia por: álbum, artista, compositor, género, año, calificación, carpeta
* Agrupación de artistas por categoría 'Artista del álbum'
* Edición de etiquetas: MP3, FLAC, OGG, APE, SPEEX, WAV, WV, M4A, MP4 (interno, SMB, SFTP)
* Modo carpeta
* Modo reloj
* Temporizadores: dormir, despertar



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تحديث لأحدث إصدار 2.24.7

Last updated on 09/09/2024
الإصدارات القديمة

FLAC sin espacios
PCM a DSD no se pudo configurar en DSD64 (ahora es una opción separada, el valor predeterminado es DSD128)
No se pudo encontrar Salida a: Google Nest Hub Max (error de firmware de Nest)
Las listas de reproducción no se pudieron cargar si hay / al principio de las rutas de archivo
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Version History

FLAC sin espacios
PCM a DSD no se pudo configurar en DSD64 (ahora es una opción separada, el valor predeterminado es DSD128)
No se pudo encontrar Salida a: Google Nest Hub Max (error de firmware de Nest)
Las listas de reproducción no se pudieron cargar si hay / al principio de las rutas de archivo
* Compatibilidad mejorada con SFTP IPv6
* Compatibilidad con:
- entrada en chino y japonés con teclado virtual
- sugerencias al escribir el texto
! Corregido:
- Compatibilidad con IPv6 para fuentes SFTP (use la notación [IP]:PORT si necesita ingresar el puerto)
- El control deslizante de ganancia no podía llegar a 100 debido al redondeo
* Soporte para WMA2 sin pausas
* Mejorado:
- compatibilidad del servidor de medios UPnP/DLNA
- conversión PCM a DSD para pistas de alta resolución (> 48 kHz)
* Añadido visualización en Cents para Pitch de Tempo/Pitch DSP
! Corregido:
- no se guardaban los ajustes de red (regresión de 2.24.3)
- carga lenta de listas de reproducción procedentes de fuente de red
- cuelgue al intentar reconectar la fuente SFTP
* Nuevo:
- Servidor de directorio de contenido UPnP/DLNA (Red → Servidor de Medios): expone la biblioteca multimedia a clientes UPnP/DLNA
- Modo de ordenación [Artista, Álbum]
* Utiliza el nombre de la carpeta del archivo como título del álbum si el título del álbum no está disponible en los metadatos
* Las noticias del desarrollador se pueden activar/desactivar: Ayuda → Noticias de Neutron = Desactivado (predeterminado = Desactivado)
* Mejora en la carga de listas de reproducción si las rutas de las pistas tienen una barra diagonal inicial (/)
* Ajustes → Ayuda: nueva entrada de Versión para mostrar la versión actual de la aplicación
* Mejorado:
- Descubrimiento de servicios mDNS: los dispositivos Chromecast se encuentran mucho más rápido, los servidores FTP y SFTP se listarán automáticamente si se anuncian
- Calidad del DSP de Tempo/Pitch para diversas frecuencias de muestreo de salida
! Corregido:
- La gráfica de Bode acumulativa se desplazaba en el diálogo del filtro de ecualización si Seguir Frecuencia de Fuente estaba activado
* Nuevo:
- Hardware de audio - Sobremuestreo - Opción de límite de frecuencia: para limitar el sobremuestreo a una frecuencia máxima
- La etiqueta del canal del ecualizador en la pantalla de controles cambia entre canales del ecualizador
- Ingresar al modo Reloj ya no detendrá la reproducción de música
- Compatibilidad con ganancia de software mediante temporizador de activación
* Mejorado:
- AGP - Restablecer el comportamiento de ganancia
* DSP del altavoz: Ajuste de retardo expandido a 20 ms
! Corregido:
- DSP del altavoz: el modo 2.1 genera ruido
* Nuevo:
- efecto DSP pseudoestéreo para crear un efecto pseudoestéreo (estéreo falso) basado en una fuente monofónica (solo para pistas mono/1 canal), administrado por Perfil, accesible a través de Reproducción -> Efecto DSP -> Pseudoestéreo
* Rendimiento general mejorado !
! Corregido:
- el widget de categoría no aparece al presionar el botón de tres puntos en la pantalla de la biblioteca multimedia (abajo a la izquierda)
* Support for DoP (DSD) in FLAC
* Set maximum value for [Audio Hardware - Oversampling] to 32x to support devices with max 1.536 MHz PCM
* Improved memory usage when using SFTP (SSH)
* Allow cloud-based tracks to be added into media library
! Fixed:
- misaligned Bode Plot on some specific screen aspects
- silence in 64-bit Processing on Shanling M6 pro 21 DAP
- fast scroller malfunctioning on collections with 50k+ tracks
- controls overlapped when sorting tracks in Landscape view
- various rare crashes
! Fixed:
- Bode Plot of individual EQ filters not shown (regression of 2.23.0) when EQ - Cumulative Bode Plot is Off
- ability to rate groups of tracks (multiselection, albums, artists, ...) from properties dialog
- support for rating tag IRTD in WAV, POPM MusicBee tag in ID3v2
- optional action User Interface -> Panel: Top option: Power Off for quick exit from Neutron
* Show real-time Cumulative EQ Bode Plot in individual EQ filters to assist with EQ preset building
* Subsonic and Ultrasonic DSP:
- UI moved to Playback - DSP Effect section
- managed by Profile
- Off in Bit-perfect profile
* Removed clamping of manually entered Preamp values in EQ setup dialog
* Updated AutoEq database to the latest (Dec 2023)
! Fixed:
- crash in Speaker DSP UI when max channel is selected
- memory corruption by Equalizer DSP if >4 output channels
- playlist entry's absolute path resolving for normal file system paths
- Ultrasonic Filter DSP UI plot grid not scaled to max frequency correctly
- format [:] button is hardly clickable on Playing Now
- apply natural sorting for filenames when getting first file from album folder
- conversion of Vorbis RATING tag to 1-5 stars equivalent
- show multiselection button in the group lists if multiselection is active
New DSP UI widget mode: Waveform only with/without album art in background
* Use signal for Alarm if music is playing during the Alarm time
* Updated AutoEQ database to the latest (end of Oct 2023)
! Fixed:
- FLAC file playback could break due to bitstream errors inside the file
- playback button does not change state to Stop if streaming to UPnP/Chromecast and breaking it by pressing the icon
- rare crash in UI
- reverted to max 8 I/O channels (compatibility issues if more)
* New:
- category option All Songs to switch off All Songs track list for the category entries
- Tile View option will now affect category entries and its albums separately (activate separately for Albums, Artists, Genres,...)
- added Setup options for Years category
- added [+ Queue] to Songs for easier handling of true random playback via Dynamic, Random Queue
- support for OPUS inside M4A
- added Czech translation
- tracks sorting type solely by filename, renamed previous Filename to Path, Filename which is sorting by path and filename (default)
* Differentiate floating-point and integer formats by showing -fp postfix for floating-point format in the track format info bits field
* Updated AutoEQ database to the latest
* Updated network subsystem for better compatibility with servers (network source)
! Fixed:
- Filter DSP: Q giving insufficiently steep slope for Shelf filters (HS, LS)
- CUE file could not be loaded if one of the tracks does not contain INDEX entry
- EQ preset bound to Bluetooth device via Device binding is not selected and set to Line Out with Bluetooth connection being active when started
- Recently Played existing entry not bumped to the top when played again
- Most Played entry not counted if playing from Most Played list
- OS widgets or notifications could show stale info about previous track while some streaming track is being loaded
- bad streaming entry reloading could not be canceled by attempt to play another healthy streaming entry
* New:
- support for FLAC inside M4A/MP4/MOV containers
- support for 32-bit Int FLACs
- support for 32-bit Int FLAC for Output To (note: 32-bit Int FLAC is supported since libFLAC 1.4.0 released in 2022 so majority of renderer devices will not support it)
- time label on Queue entry: to show total time of all tracks in the Queue
! Fixed:
- noise in the last 20 seconds of PCM track playback if followed by DSD track with Oversampling = On
- streaming to Chromecast Audio devices with latest firmware (1.56.281627+)
- looping of the first track in the Queue when more tracks were enqueued after the first one and Loop Track List is On
* New:
- support for accessing external storage (USB drive and etc) connected via Apple Lightning USB port as well as Document folders of other local apps: Sources - + - File System - + - add permission to access external folder on external drive or another local app's folder
- UI - Optional Features - Recently Added: to disable/enable Playlists -> Recently Added
* Improved:
- album-art lookup for Albums list by using album-art image from the first music track
- stability of resuming playback after audio focus loss and re-gain
! Fixed:
- interrupted playback for 1-2 seconds when resumed after focus loss
! Fixed crash on some firmwares (regression of 2.21.9).
* New category Playlists - Most Played
* [+ Streaming] action for streaming entries of the media library
* Switch groups in a loop (now default behavior, including swipe up/down in Playing Now)
* Improved compatibility with WebDAV servers
* Updated FRC - AutoEq presets to the latest
! Fixed:
- rare crash when connecting to Chrome cast device which rejects connection
* Updated FRC DSP - AutoEq database to the latest
! Fixed:
- imprecise MP3 seeking which caused mismatching of the synchronized lyrics
! Fixed:
- search for UPnP/DLNA servers on iOS 16 and higher (addition)
! Fixed:
- search for UPnP/DLNA servers on iOS 16 and higher
- could not send DSD from one Neutron Player to another (UPnP/DLNA Renderer) if WAV transport not selected
- crash on DSD1024 to PCM conversion if target sample rate was not multiple of 44100
! Fixed various crashes.
* Update network interfaces in Network View dialog if network changes
* Web-search by the title, album, artist (long-press song entry - press item to search)
* Make URLs in UPnP device properties openable in a web browser
! Fixed:
- Recently Added playlist not updated during playback
- misdetection of local network availability
- compatibility with Asus router WebDAV server where router path was hidden from the folder list
* New:
- Tempo/BPM Analysis: accessible from top-level settings list (or long-press Album), analyzes BPM of tracks and creates media library - Tempo category;
- Tempo categories are long-pressable and provide +Queue, +Playlist for easier mixing;
- "All Tempo" category which does not group BPM for a more fine grained mixing;
- optional Tempo category in the top-panel;
- [PCM to DSD] - Oversample 8x option: to force 8x oversampling for PCM core that results in a higher resolution of DSP processing (EQ, FRC, Crossfeed, ...) REQUIRES VERY FAST CPU!
- Digest authentication for WebDAV source;
- uninterrupted playback of SFTP sourced track if Internet connection changes between mobile an WiFi or drops completely for a short period (up to 15 seconds).
* Updated FRC/AutoEQ database to the latest.
* Blend bottom and front colors of the Spectrum Analyzer and RMS bars.
* Increased max value of UI - Fast Seek to 60 seconds.
* Bound Audio Hardware - Hardware Volume and Playback - 64-bit Processing to profile.
! Fixed:
- Global Search result cleared if source entry is refreshed;
- synchronized lyrics loading: only one of multiple lines with the same timestamp was displayed;
- Opus stream not recognized as Opus and thus limited to basic streaming metadata only;
- parsing URL when it contains port number and 'at' symbol in the path;
- crash on attempt to delete CUE track, limit CUE track to Remove - Ignore;
- WV file could not be loaded if WVC file is invalid;
- WVC loading from SFTP source.
! Fixed landscape mode for all iPhone models with on-display camera inset.
* Improved tolerance to database failures by keeping last working version.
* Updated FRC presets to the latest.
! Fixed:
- ABC widget could point list to the wrong position;
- infinite duration not detected in case of Foobar2000 UPnP streaming via WAV.
* New:
- PM - Sequential - Rewind Tracklist: to rewind tracklist to the beginning when reached its end
! Fixed:
- noise when switching gapless DSD tracks
- UPnP: incompatibility with devices using [Range: bytes=0-] header in request
- could not clear Chromecast devices from Output To list
- Mono mode not affecting Stereo files if Upmix is Off

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Requiere iOS 12.0 o posterior.
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