Packing (+TO DO!)

Packing (+TO DO!)


¥100Best Deal Ever
16.5for iPhone, iPad and more
131 Ratings
Quinn Genzel
Update Date
Age Rating
Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
Packing (+TO DO!) スクリーンショット
Packing (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスター
Packing (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスターPacking (+TO DO!) ポスター

About Packing (+TO DO!)

** このアプリをカナダでNo.1、オーストラリアでNo.2、アメリカでNo.3にしていただいた皆様、ありがとうございます!**

** Apple ストアでデモを行いスポットライトを浴びたアプリ**

** ユニバーサルアプリ -- iPad、 iPhone 、iPad touch 用に最適化**
** お得な価値-1つのアプリに2つのアプリが入っているようなものです!**

-- iPhone App レビュー

荷造りを忘れることはもうありません!歯磨き粉1本(*忘れた*)または1足のソックスの値段(と旅行中や森の中で取り替える時間と手間?)を払うだけで、この iPhone/iPad アプリはあなた個人のパッキングアシスタントになります。


- 100%カスタマイズ可能な無制限のパッキングリストを作成
- 好きなようにリストを編集(種類、タイプ、項目を追加、削除、名前変更、再整理)
- サンプルリストから新しいアイデアや提案を発見
- マルチ項目セレクションでリストを迅速・簡単に作成します
- 荷造りまたは荷解きされた項目だけを表示するか、すべてを表示します
- タイプまたは項目でソートするか、手動でソートします
- 項目の詳細(数量、重量、価値、バッグ、ノート)を編集します
- リストの重量と価値を合計します
- 家族と友達にパッキングリストをメールで送信します


- マスターカタログは100%自由自在にカスタマイズできます(種類、タイプ、項目の追加、削除、名前変更、再整理)
- 少しタイプしただけで数百の項目から必要な物を選び、すばやくリストを作成できます
- 100以上の広範なタスクを表示し、出発前のすることリストにアクセス
- 自分の種類、タイプ、項目、することを定義し、カスタマイズできる自在性とコントロール提供
- カタログ内でタイプと項目をコピー・移動


- インポート/エクスポート
- アプリ内の完全ガイドを参照
- アプリ内課金から、プロレベルカタログ、機能、フルコンボにアップグレード

さらにパッキングをコントロールし、カスタマイズしたい場合、オプション表示、特大カタログ、2倍のサンプルリスト、内蔵エキスパートの支援を提供するPacking Pro を取得してください(アプリ内のアップグレードオプションを利用できます):

PROの利点(Packing Proの場合):

1) 完全 iCLOUD サポート:
-- リスト、カタログ、設定用のデバイス間自動同期サポート

2) CSV インポート / エクスポート:
-- リストをPC上でExcel、Numbers、GoogleDocsを使用し編集

3) パッキングリストのファイル共有

4) 超大型マスターカタログ:
-- 400以上の新項目(合計800以上)

5) エキスパートリストアシスタント:
-- 大人(男性と女性)や子供の人数、日数、温度、目的地、食事の準備、洗濯の好みに基づいて、"自動的"にリストが作成されます。

6) サンプルパッキングリストが2倍(現在8件)

7) カスタマイズできるデザイン

8) 整理の向上

9) 賢い検索

迅速、シンプル、信頼できるPacking (もしくは Packing Pro) をあなたのすべての旅行の役立つ同伴者にしてください。ボン・ヴォヤージュ!
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最新バージョン 16.5 の更新情報

Last updated on 2022年05月25日
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Version History
This big summer update contains a bunch of nice new features:

- Option to auto-sort lists by date (opt-in on Settings page)
- Ability to copy/move items between lists
- Option to mark your catalog types with icons or emojis (more emojis!)
- Fixed a few bugs and design issues

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
Have a very EMOJI Christmas with Packing (+TO DO!)! Now, you can choose any standard emoji in place of an icon for categories, people and bags to add some extra color & personality to your lists. Other fixes and enhancements include:

- Greatly improved Active Filter reminder, with new reset/clear button
- Optimized layout for iPhone X
- Fixed a nasty bug that in some cases would crash the app when searching or adding items to a list (thanks, Karen!)
- Improved formatting of instructions & news in non-English languages
- Fixed bug that displayed long text strings incredibly small
- Fixed an iOS 11.2 issue with invisible text in search bar (PRO users) (thanks, Judy, Isaac & Steve!)

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
This 15.3.1 mini-update fixes a layout bug on iPad Pro 10.5”. The bigger 15.3 update fixes a few other iOS 10 and iOS 11 related issues:

- Fixed occasional crash when adding new items to a list
- Fixed occasional crash when using ‘Quick Add / Search’ (for PRO users)
- Fixed hidden ‘Master Catalog’ search option layout issue (for PRO users)
- Now, using iOS 11, search bars remain visible at top of page even when scrolling (for PRO users)
- Made layout changes to support iPhone X

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
This update fixes a few iOS 10 and iOS 11 related issues:

- Fixed occasional crash when adding new items to a list
- Fixed occasional crash when using ‘Quick Add / Search’ (for PRO users)
- Fixed hidden ‘Master Catalog’ search option layout issue (for PRO users)
- Now, using iOS 11, search bars remain visible at top of page even when scrolling (for PRO users)
- Made layout changes to support iPhone X

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
This update adds lots of nice, powerful, flexible features for content management:

PRO-level features added:
- Individual LIST CATEGORIES can now be IMPORTED & EXPORTED via email, AirDrop, iTunes, Dropbox, Box & iCloud Drive
- Great for creating modular lists
- New methods to import & export CSV-format content

Regular-level features added:
- Now there’s an option to MERGE matching imported content, such as lists, list categories, catalog categories & Master Catalog
- Filterable attributes (person, bag, need-to-buy) of merged list items can be auto-set or reset en masse, if desired
- Fixed several iOS 10 bugs

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
This update expands on a few existing features:

- Now able to multi-select & SET item attributes in whole types & categories in Master Catalog
- List & Catalog SEARCH now also looks for matches in item NOTES (PRO users)
- Now able to UN-SET the current list
- Fixed several iOS 10 bugs

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
This major update (on the heels of brother-app Packing Pro’s 7th anniversary) includes a big overhaul of the app’s backend coding — over 20,000 lines have been updated or rewritten. Support has been dropped for iOS 6 & 7, but devices on iOS 8 & 9 now function much more smoothly. Once again, as always, this is a totally free update.

HUGE changes that improve editing & list-making organization & efficiency:

- You can now SMART SEARCH / QUICK ADD on all Master Catalog pages (PRO feature)
- List page search is also improved - plus, it’s come out of hiding! (PRO feature)
- SORT option added to each level of the Master Catalog
- New function to capitalize or uncapitalize Master Catalog types & items
- Extra options for ‘Add List to List’ function

Other nice improvements:

- Tap page title to quickly scroll back to top, and to SEARCH on list & catalog pages (PRO feature)
- Save multi-line notes for lists & items
- More robust iCloud Drive auto-syncing (PRO feature)
- Smoother rotations & animations
- Fixed some long-standing layout & transition issues
- Added extra space for editing on iPhones
- Added extra assistance for app badge settings
- Fixed a badge bug that sometimes showed a number of remaining items, even when list was empty (thanks Johann!)
- Fixed bug that ignored ‘Disable Auto-lock’ setting on later re-launch
- Fixed some web-connection bugs

Since so many things were changed with this update, if you encounter any bugs, please let me know (and be patient & understanding). Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
- New function: Add List to List — great for adding mini-lists like ‘carry-on’, ‘camping equipment’, ‘baby supplies’, etc.
- Full-display support for iPad Pro
- Added social media support for Sina Weibo & Tencent Weibo
- Various layout & bug fixes
- Added a Tip Jar

Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
Lots of additions & improvements in this major update. Building on the last update:

- Added ability to SORT by PRIORITY and FILTER by NEED TO BUY (to create a trip-specific shopping list)
- Partial, filtered lists can also be exported & printed as they are
- Added ability to MULTI-SELECT and SET values of PRIORITY and NEED TO BUY for several items at once

Here’s something I’ve wanted to add for a long time:

- LIST CATEGORY MULTI-SELECT — speeds up & simplifies list editing

And more:

- Improvements made to Voice Over accessibility support
- Fixed Chinese translation issue for users in Hong Kong

FYI, this may be my last version to support iOS 6 and 7, so please upgrade all your devices to the latest iOS, if you’re able. Also, for PRO users using iCloud auto-sync on iOS 8 or 9, please upgrade ALL of your devices to iCloud Drive (in case you haven't done so already). Thanks for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
LOTS of enhancements in this MAJOR update:

- ** Data transfer (NEW): Added new options for WIRELESS SHARING via AirDrop, Dropbox, Box & iCloud Drive (*PRO-level feature; min iOS 8+)
- ** List items (NEW): Added PRIORITY and NEED TO BUY attributes, with icon & checkbox indications on list page
- ** List (NEW): Added layout option to DISPLAY & PREVIEW ITEM IMAGES directly on list page (*PRO-level feature)
- List totals (NEW): Added totals & subtotals for currently packed items, as well as for complete list
- Design tweaks: Improved readability in popup toolbars & other minor adjustments
- List dates (NEW): Added buttons to reset dates back to ‘(TBD)’
- List dates (FIX): Now you can set any Departure Date (future or past) that you wish, though the app will still auto-correct the Return Date to be that same date, at the earliest. Alert dates will continue to auto-correct for NOW (+1 hour), at the earliest.
- CSV - Improvement & expansion of CSV file import, export & editing, while maintaining backward compatibility (*PRO-level feature)
- Bug (FIX): Backpack-stroller icon flip-flop (how did that happen?!). You may need to double-check and re-edit this, if one of these were used.

Also, for PRO users using iCloud auto-sync on iOS 8, in case you haven’t done so yet, please upgrade ALL of your devices to iCloud Drive. Thanks, too, for all your feedback & support, and stay tuned for more updates!
- Added ‘Management’ section to Settings for Alerts, Photos, People & Bags
- Fixed alert/notification & badge bug in iOS 8
- Added extra icons for People, Bags & Categories (thanks for all the suggestions!)
- Added easier access to app permissions in Settings
- Added full support for 64-bit iOS devices
- Improved support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Also, for PRO users using iCloud auto-sync on iOS 8, in case you haven’t done so yet, please upgrade your device to iCloud Drive.
This update is all about iOS 8 and the two new iPhones. I’ve optimized the layout to take advantage of all the extra screen space on the iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus. In addition, I’ve:

- Fixed a sticky-scrolling bug on several pages
- Fixed a swipe-to-delete bug on the packing list page
- Tweaked various functions to work well with iOS 6, 7 and 8
- Made improvements to iCloud auto-sync’s stability & error-catching abilities (Pro-feature)

I’m very sorry if these bugs caused you any frustration, and thanks for pointing them out to me.

For the next update, do you have any suggestions for extra icons for categories, people or bags you’d like to see, or any other enhancements? Feel free to email me some ideas!
This is a MAJOR UPDATE with two new features that I (and many of you) have wanted to add for a long time. They’ve made the app twice as useful (or 1000x!):

- **NEW** ADD IMAGES TO YOUR ITEMS! A picture is worth 1000 words!

And both work well with iCloud (for Pro-features and Pro-full in-app upgrade users)!

Data protection & backup improvements:

- Added a convenient ‘1-tap backup to email’ function w/ reminders (Pro-feature)
- Fixed a bug affecting non-backed up data & device restoring
- Added extra backup protection & recovery coding
- Reduced size of data files to save space & speed up launch times & iCloud syncing (Pro-feature)

Other additions & fixes:

- Added reminders for missed alerts
- Added note & image icons to Master Catalog items, and image & alert icons to list items
- Now, reorder all your list categories in one go
- Fixed a bug affecting adding new people or bags (thanks, Pierre!)
- Fixed a rare bug involving old themes & crashing
- Fixed a rare start-up crashing bug
- Fixed a bug that kept asking for reviews in some cases (sorry!)
- Fixed a bug that in some cases prevented full editing due to locked scrolling (thanks, Keri!)
- Fixed a broken link to ‘Gift This App’
- Fixed some language translation coding
- Complete design revamp for iOS 7 -- now cleaner & lighter!
- Switch between the original or new design themes in Settings, or, if you've got the Pro-features or Pro-full upgrade, pick or even create any design you wish!
- Made list category header opening & closing less sensitive for easier scrolling (thanks Nancy!)
- Easier to scroll list & other pages when editing too
- Fixed occasional crashing bug when editing list
- Fixed error with ordering when adding multiple items to a list (thanks Andrew!)
- Lots of other bug fixes & usability improvements

For Pro-Features & Pro-Full users:

- Check out 'New Suitcase' theme!
- Added a grayscale & cell gradient selector to Customized Design
- Improved contrast & legibility with themes & user designs
- Added a new sample list: 'Sample: business (female)'
- Added option to purchase 10 new sample lists (see In-app Upgrades on the Info page)
- Added option to purchase 12 new themes (*FREE* for owners of Shopping Pro!)
- Lots of changes to support the new iOS 7 upgrade & design
- AirPrint now supported — print from app straight to printer!
- Print & email text formatting options for 1, 2 or 3 columns
- Print & email text formatting now more closely matches app's chosen layout (Pro feature)
- Auto-reminder if all list items are hidden due to filter settings
- Improved, more robust Smart Search (Pro feature)
- 3 new languages supported: Portuguese, Russian, Polish

- FILTER lists by BAG and/or PERSON (as well as by CHECKED/UNCHECKED)
- View item, weight & value SUBTOTALS by BAG and PERSON
- Email-export filtered lists (as text & files)
- EXPERT HELP tool update to support multi-person labeling & filtering (Pro feature)
- On iPad, PERSON, BAG & NUMBER icons & values now remain visible even while editing (Pro feature)
- Newly added list items (via Direct, Pick or Search) now are auto-set to the current sort settings for PERSON & BAG


- Email-export text list redesign
- Added option to minimize or hide category headers on a list
- Added option to disable the device's auto-lock
- Added more currencies, and ability to edit them as well
- Reduced app file size
- Fixed crashing bug when deleting last remaining section of a list
- Fixed occasional bug when adding multiple items to a list
- Fixed bug with moving/copying catalog items
- Fixed auto-save bugs on several pages
- Fixed occasional crashing bug when rotating iPad
This fixes a bug related to in-app purchasing. See below for the GREAT improvements just made in version 11.3:

- Added MULTI-DELETE/COPY/MOVE/SET for Master Catalog, packing lists, people & bags
- Added a 'FAVORITES' category & functions for quick, simple list-making
- Added 'remaining items' BADGES to home screen lists, as well as app icon (optional)
- List notes are now optionally shown on the home screen
- Nicer deletion animations for packing list items & categories
- Extra Person & Bag icons added
- New iOS 6.0 Facebook & Twitter integration
- Fixed some bugs with duplicate list items & capitalizing/uncap. names
- Quicker, easier way to enter item values
- Disabled the annoying keyboard auto-popup on iPads when viewing item details

Also, for users with w/ Pro-features or Full in-app upgrade:

- 14 extra font choices added (Customized Design)

FYI, Packing Pro is honored to be one of the 10 travel app FINALISTS in the 2012 BEST APP EVER competition, and I would greatly appreciate your VOTE of support. Just tap the link on the Info page before Jan.31!

Also, FYI, I recently released a NEW APP called "Shopping Pro (Grocery List)" based on Packing Pro, but with lots of shopping-specific modifications. Check it out if you're interested (also via the Info page).

Thanks too for all your feedback & support. Your positive ratings & reviews have enabled me to continue to support & improve this app. Stay tuned for more!
- Added MULTI-DELETE/COPY/MOVE/SET for Master Catalog, packing lists, people & bags
- Added a 'FAVORITES' category & functions for quick, simple list-making
- Added 'remaining items' BADGES to home screen lists, as well as app icon (optional)
- List notes are now optionally shown on the home screen
- Nicer deletion animations for packing list items & categories
- Extra Person & Bag icons added
- New iOS 6.0 Facebook & Twitter integration
- Fixed some bugs with duplicate list items & capitalizing/uncap. names
- Quicker, easier way to enter item values
- Disabled the annoying keyboard auto-popup on iPads when viewing item details

Also, for users with w/ Pro-features or Full in-app upgrade:

- 14 extra font choices added (Customized Design)

FYI, Packing Pro is honored to be one of the 10 travel app finalists in the 2012 Best App Ever competition, and I would greatly appreciate your vote of support. Just tap the link on the Info page!

Also, FYI, I recently released a new app called "Shopping Pro (Grocery List)" based on Packing Pro, but with lots of shopping-specific modifications. Check it out if you're interested (also via the Info page).

Thanks too for all your feedback & support. Your positive ratings & reviews have enabled me to continue to support & improve this app. Stay tuned for more!

Packing (+TO DO!) 価格


Packing (+TO DO!) FAQ

次のリストをチェックして、Packing (+TO DO!)の最低システム要件をご確認ください。
iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPadOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPod touch
iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
Packing (+TO DO!)は次の言語がサポートされています。 日本語, イタリア語, スペイン語, ドイツ語, フランス語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, ロシア語, 簡体字中国語, 繁体字中国語, 英語
Packing (+TO DO!)二は内課金があります。課金要素と価格をご覧ください。
Full Pro Upgrade
Pro Features Upgrade
Pro Catalog Upgrade
Extra Lists Upgrade
Extra Themes Upgrade
Photo Option
Unbelievable Tip
Amazing Tip
Great Tip
Generous Tip

Packing (+TO DO!)の類似アプリ


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