Qobuz: Music & Editorial

7.8.2 for iPhone, iPad

2k+ Ratings

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90.3 MB

Screenshots for iPhone

Qobuz: Music & Editorial Description
Qobuz, a unique approach to online music.
With Qobuz, listen to unlimited music in the highest quality audio. Let our team of music experts guide you in your music discoveries with recommendations, human-curated playlists, and exclusive editorial content (articles, interviews, reviews).

Access an unparalleled wealth of content:
. Over 100 million tracks in high resolution & CD quality
. More than 500,000 original editorial articles written by experts
. Thousands of human-curated playlists in rock, classical, jazz, electronic, pop, funk, soul, R&B, metal, and more
QOBUZ is the only platform to offer both music streaming and downloads in Hi-Res.

Listen to your music where you want, when you want: Qobuz is available on all your devices, even without internet connection in offline mode.

▶ Discover and experience a high quality, authentic listening experience by trying Qobuz SOLO FREE and WITHOUT COMMITMENT for 30 days directly in the app.

▶ Since 2007, QOBUZ has been committed to providing an experience where music enthusiasts can discover and listen to music in the highest sound quality.

- Enjoy an exceptional listening experience with high quality music, straight from the studio
- Enjoy new releases and reissues in lossless/CD (FLAC 16-Bit /44.1 kHz) and Hi-Res quality (24-Bit encoded sound up to 192 kHz)

- Explore the new Discover page for a simpler and more rewarding experience
- Take advantage of a plethora of unique editorial content for free:
. News articles
. Panoramas: deep dives on an artist, album, genre, period or label
. Artist interviews
. A Hi-Fi section to enhance your listening with the best audio equipment
- New design and new features directly accessible from the magazine:
. A clean interface and simplified navigation
. A search bar dedicated to the magazine to filter your searches and quickly access the content you crave
. Instant access to recent articles and your latest listening sessions from your home screen via Qobuz widgets

- Access to digital booklets with liner notes, and all of the details behind your favorite albums
- (Re)discover new and iconic artists and albums. Discover the most promising new talents and listen to thousands of regularly updated playlists, thanks to our team of music experts.

Qobuz is supported by the main wireless listening devices (Chromecast, Airplay, Roon, etc.) and is compatible with all types of audio equipment from the biggest and most prestigious Hi-Fi brands.

Enjoying QOBUZ? Follow us:

- Facebook: @qobuz
- Twitter: @qobuzUSA
- Instagram: @qobuz

Terms of Use: https://www.qobuz.com/ie-en/legal/terms
Qobuz: Music & Editorial 7.8.2 Update
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Authentication bugs fixed
A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
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90.3 MB
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AppPure.com and the download link of this app are 100% safe. The download link of this app will be redirected to the official App Store site, thus the app is original and has not been modified in any way.

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7.8.2 2024-02-15
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Authentication bugs fixed
A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.6.0 2023-11-06
Explore our new Discover page now!

A more immersive, intuitive and modern page for an even more rewarding discovery experience.

Suggestions? Feedback? Bugs?
Contact us here: https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.5.3 2023-10-18
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Share your favourite tracks and albums on Whatsapp, X and Facebook Messenger
- iOS 17 optimizations
- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.5.2 2023-09-26
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

iOS 17 compatibility and optimizations
Minor bug fixes
A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.5.1 2023-09-07
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Minor bug fixes
A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.5.0 2023-08-17
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Minor bug fixes
A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.4.0 2023-07-18
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.3.4 2023-06-21
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Correction of major bugs in playlist management

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.3.3 2023-06-15
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Correction of major bugs in playlist management

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.3.2 2023-06-08
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.3.1 2023-06-01
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.3.0 2023-05-18
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Your magazine is enriched with new content and the ability to display full screen images of articles.
- Share your favorite tracks and albums in Facebook and Instagram stories
- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.2.0 2023-04-19
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- French (Canadian) language management
- Management of account creation in Canada
- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.1.1 2023-04-04
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Tablet adaptation for the Magazine section
- Added compatibility for sharing via iMessage
- Improved management of long playlists
- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.1.0 2023-03-30
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Tablet adaptation for the Magazine section
- Added compatibility for sharing via iMessage
- Improved management of long playlists
- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.0.1 2023-03-01
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

- Minor bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
7.0.0 2023-02-14
Introducing the new Qobuz Magazine !
Get the inside scoop on your favorite artists and discover new ones you'll love all in one place, including exclusive interviews, album reviews, and in-depth Panorama features. With all our editorial content in one convenient location, you'll never miss a beat.
6.8.2 2022-09-23
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Minor bug fixes
- iPad fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
6.8.1 2022-08-29
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Minor bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
6.8.0 2022-08-19
This extensive update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Qobuz widgets are now available! Get quicker access to your music, playlists, and articles.
A new version of our player for better performance.
Playlists optimizations: from now on you will be able to save your weekly Q by creating a dedicated playlist each week. And you will be able to add a title from one existing playlist to another playlist.
Privacy issue: possibility of deleting your account from the application
Major bug fixes

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us at https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
6.7.2 2022-08-11
This update is part of our ongoing efforts to provide you with the best possible music experience.

It includes:
- Fixed a crash identified on Carplay

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
6.7.1 2022-06-28
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Fixed a crash identified on Carplay

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
6.7.0 2022-06-21
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

Albums with multiple artists: display of all artists present on an album
Graphical and functional optimizations for a better browsing experience
Various bugs fixed (especially the connection with facebook)

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
6.6.0 2022-04-20
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible. It includes:

New version of our official artist page, we hope you will enjoy it !

A suggestion, feedback, an idea for improvement, a bug?
Contact us on https://www.qobuz.com/store-router/help/contact/
6.5.1 2022-01-06
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Minor bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
6.4.1 2021-10-14
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Minor bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
6.4.0 2021-09-16
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Minor bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.17.0 2021-01-13
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Improved graphic design of the playlist creation path
- Long press to quickly access track options
- Chromecast bug corrections
- Minor bug corrections

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.16.0 2020-11-16
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Improved search function: new browsing tab giving you quick access to specific content type (Artist, album, track, article)

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.15.0 2020-11-09
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
- Improved Search function: addition of most popular search results
- Fixes for Chromecast connection
- Improved graphical animation for player and mini player
- Corrections for genre translations
- Improvements on default graphical images

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.14.0 2020-09-15
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

The listing of albums containing over 500 tracks
Minor display bug fixes
App store display visuals and description update

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.13.0 2020-08-11
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Added Sign in with Apple feature
Minor functional bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.12.0 2020-07-06
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Minor display bugs fixed
Minor functional bug fixes
Improved performance of the app

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.11.0 2020-06-22
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Improvement of the player interface
Display of the "favourites" icon on a tracklist or an album
Improved search history (recently viewed artists, albums, playlists)
Minor bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.10.0 2020-05-25
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Improved player interface for hi-res subscribers
Minor bug fixes
Improvement of the interface
Improved display of articles

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.9.0 2020-04-28
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

-Bug fix of the displaying banners in the application
-Minor bug fixes
-Bug fix related to the "Search" section

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.8.0 2020-03-18
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Banner display bug fix
Shuffle button fixed
'Album awards' added on album pages
Alphabetic display fixed
Minor display bug fixes
Minor functioning bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.7.0 2020-03-10
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
Minor bug fixes
Chromecast bug fixes
Added redirections from empty pages

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.6.3 2020-02-06
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
Update of the latest version of Chromecast
Bug fix of the display of videos in articles

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.6.2 2020-01-28
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
Bug fix of importing when the option is deactivated over WiFi or mobile network
Bug fix when sharing
Various other bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com 2020-01-03
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
In-app bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.6.0 2019-12-23
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:
Minor in-app bug fixes
Improved genre selector
Clickable artist and album names
Improved in-app language change

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.5.0 2019-11-08
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Improvement of import of Hi-Res quality tracks.
Improvement of the in-app search engine.
Improvement of metadata for albums and tracks.
Improvement of genre filter in “Local Music” - only takes into account available albums/tracks.
Correction of the performance of the shuffle button in a playlist.
Addition of a ‘search by artist’ function in favourite tracks.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.4.0 2019-10-02
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Dark mode is now available in the parameters of the app.
Major bugs fixes
Improvement of the app design

Following the upcoming arrival of iOS 13, we will be discontinuing technical support for versions below iOS 11. Users still using lower versions of iOS will continue to receive updates until September. Thereafter, maintenance and bug correction will no longer be operational.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.3.4 2019-06-18
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Added movements, works and versions of an album
Added Gapless engine
Added link to the artist and label page on music player
Display of the tracks in playlists with more than 500 tracks
Mention on the album credits of whether an album is streamable or only available for download in Hi-Res
Displaying of credits in Panoramas
CarPlay bugs fixed
Added artist images to favourites
Various bugs fixes

Following the upcoming arrival of iOS 13, we will be discontinuing technical support for versions below iOS 11. Users still using lower versions of iOS will continue to receive updates until September. Thereafter, maintenance and bug correction will no longer be operational.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.3.2 (Hotfix) 2019-06-04
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Fixed playback issue with Chromecast
Fixed playback issue for iOS 9 and 10 devices

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.3.2 2019-05-20
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Displaying of artist images in favourites
Correction of image display for similar artists
Correction of Facebook/Twitter link sharing
Displaying of the "Description" button on the playback screen when an album description is available
Chromecast: Correction of playback interruption between tracks

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.3.1 2019-04-23
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

New playback screen design. It is now possible to:
Add a track to favorites from the playback screen
View track and album info via the “i” icon
Access and organise the track queue and modify it with ease
The shuffle and repeat buttons are now accessible from the playback screen
A visual surprise awaits Studio subscribers!
Correction of various bugs
New Qobuz connect design, access and manage your connected devices more easily and quickly visualise on which devices you are on.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.2.2 2019-02-12
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Hot fix: rectification of Facebook connection problem

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.2.1 2019-02-05
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Simultaneous listening management tool
- Correction of various bugs

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.2 2019-01-24
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Gapless correction/modification
- New Chromecast integration
- New import tool
- Favourites and purchase bug correction (loss of favourited albums upon selecting « display only full releases »)
- Correction of various bugs

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.1.2 2018-12-22
This update is part of our continuing efforts to correct bugs and to integrate new functionalities.

Correction of an audio output problem with certain DACs
Correction of a problem with the Apple CarPlay function
Correction of a problem with certain mp3 files
The playback of all locally stored albums via the playback button is now functioning
Correction of a keyboard problem on the “My Playlist” screen
Correction of minor bugs
Do you have any ideas for improvements or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.1.1 2018-12-20
This update is part of our continuing efforts to correct bugs and to integrate new functionalities.

Correction of an audio output problem with certain DACs
Correction of a problem with the Apple CarPlay function
Correction of a problem with certain mp3 files
The playback of all locally stored albums via the playback button is now functioning
Correction of a keyboard problem on the “My Playlist” screen
Correction of minor bugs

Do you have any ideas for improvements or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.1.0 2018-12-15
This update is part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Correction of crash on Panoramas,
Correction of crash with the Player
Qobuz Carplay! It is now possible to listen to your downloaded/imported music and cache music through CarPlay

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
5.0.0 2018-12-03
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Default 10gb increase in cache size
Correction of Chromecast bugs
Redesign of the player
Apple Watch redesign
New launch animation on application
Correction of various bugs

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.23 2018-11-05
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

New cache memory management: You can now manually apply a cache limit on the application in your storage settings.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.22 2018-09-24
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- Correction of streaming account bug
- Corrections on the user database
- Correction of different visual and technical bugs that have been identified

On behalf of the Qobuz team, we apologise for any problems you may have experienced throughout August, the above bugs have now been resolved.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.21 2018-09-12
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Correction of the bug displaying duplicates in the playlists and albums sections of My Qobuz.
Correction of the bug displaying favourites in the My Qobuz section.
The improvement of search results through the introduction of artist images.

On behalf of the Qobuz team, we apologise for any problems you may have experienced throughout August.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.20 2018-08-17
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

Fixes for several issues occurring during database migration
Fix for a bug preventing from playing some favourite or local tracks
Come back of the alphabetical sorting column for albums, artists, tracks, etc.
Fix for the playqueue being reset when the app is closed
Fix for the import buttons not being displayed properly

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.19 2018-08-08
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

New visuals for the discover, album, playlist and artist sections
Qobuz new visual identity
Securing and migration of the database
Purchase and Hi-Res import bug fixes

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.18 2018-07-13
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.17 2018-06-21
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

-Bug fix for the problem of general slowdown of the application following the previous update
-Improvement of the order of appearance of the information in the search result
-Various display bugs fixes in the application

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.16 2018-05-10
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- An update of Discover
- An update of the Panorama section
- A new genre selector
- Corrected display bugs when using alphabetical sorting
- Corrected metadata display bug with Chromecast devices

Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how we could improve, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.15 2018-03-19
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:
- Redesign of the display of tracks and albums metadata
- Various adjustments of the new search engine
- Insertion of alphabetical navigation shortcuts in "My Qobuz" and "Offline library"
- Bug fixes for metadata display with Chromecast devices
- Bug fixes for the display of the “about" section on iPad
Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.14 2018-02-08
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:

- Redesign of the descriptive view of our albums, artists, playlists and labels
- Memorizing display choices in local music
- Bug fixes linked to the display of the new search engine
- Bug fix for imports in Hi-Res 192 kHz
- Bug fix for the persistence of genre selection

Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.13 2018-02-03
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:

- New design of the Playlist display
- Adaptation of the app for iPhone X
- Possibility to view only full-length albums in local music
- Addition of a filter sidebar while adding a track to a playlist
- Possibility to deactivate playback in full screen mode
- Bug fixes linked to the functionality of imports
- Bug fix for the persistence of genre selection
- Bug fix for the option “See the album”
- Bug fix linked to tracks being deleted from the queue

Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.12 2018-01-15
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:

- Rework of the Discover, Album and Artist displays
- Rearrangement of the “Playlists” section on the Discover page
- The possibility to share Panoramas added
- Bug fix linked to the control buttons on headphones
- Bug fix for the display of local tracks in limited connectivity
- Bug fix for the display of the track playing on a locked screen
- Bug fix for the display of Panoramas in the search

Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or have you found a bug? Write to us at ios@qobuz.com
4.0.11 2017-11-15
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:
- The possibility to use the app in Spanish or Italian
- A "label" page which lists the catalogue of record labels, accessible through the "album" page
- Bug fix for the order of offline tracks in the queue
- Various bug fixes and visual improvements
If you have a suggestion, an idea for an improvement or if you've found a bug, write to us at android@qobuz.com. Thanks for using Qobuz. It's great to have you with us.
4.0.10 2017-11-04
This update is following our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:
- Bug fix for playing music while offline
- The addition of a new interface option in your settings
- Bug fixes linked to Chromecast
- Minor bug fixes and visual improvements
If you have a suggestion, an idea for an improvement or if you've found a bug, write to us at ios@qobuz.com. Thanks for using Qobuz. It's great to have you with us.
4.0.9 2017-10-30
This update continues our efforts to bring you the best musical experience possible.
It includes:

- An improved browsing experience
- The option to control the player from the iOS notification centre
- Bug fixes for the player
- Bug fix for imports
- Bug fix for when adding a song to the queue in local music
- Tag added for Qobuz playlists
- Bug fix linked to albums from the same artist
- Bug fix linked to the display of the article page
- Minor bug fixes and graphic improvements

If you have a suggestion, an idea for an improvement or if you've found a bug, write to us at ios@qobuz.com. Thanks for using Qobuz. It's great to have you with us.
4.0.8 2017-10-06
This update continues our efforts to bring you the best possible musical experience.
It includes:

- Improved integration of editorial content and Grands Angles feature articles in the associated Album, Artist and Playlist pages.
- The addition of icons to show you which titles are unavailable or available only as extracts.
- The possibility of importing "the rest" of an album or playlist in local music
- New sorting functions have been added to "My Qobuz".
- Bug fix with locking the phone.
- Bug fix with album options in local music.
- Bug fix with playlist options in "My Qobuz".
- Bug fix a bug with changing the language.
- Various minor bug patches and improvements to the graphics.

If you have a suggestion, an idea for an improvement or if you've found a bug, write to us at ios@qobuz.com. Thanks for using Qobuz. It's great to have you with us.
4.0.7 2017-09-01
Following our recent V.4 major release, this update continues our efforts to give you the best musical experience possible. We are fixing any bugs you may find and are constantly adding new features.

This minor update includes many design improvements and various bug fixes.

If you have a suggestion, an idea for an improvement or if you've found a bug, write to us at ios@qobuz.com. Thanks for using Qobuz. It's great to have you with us.