Race Track Rush
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1.2for iPhone, iPad and more
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Race Track Rush 螢幕截圖
About Race Track Rush
Race Track Rush is an exciting mobile game that puts the exhilaration and thrill of Formula Car Racing into the palm of your hand. With simple finger swipe controls, you can easily steer your car, accelerate or brake as you race against other experienced drivers from around the world. As you progress through the game and unlock more tracks and challenges, the difficulty increases. You must prove your skills to stay ahead and climb the leaderboard to become the Grand Prix champion! With hours of entertainment and a rewarding difficulty curve, Race Track Rush is perfect for racing casual fans of all abilities who are looking for a fun and challenging experience. Race your way to the top and burn some asphalt!
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Last updated on 2024年05月20日
New Challenges
General improvements for a perfect playa
General improvements for a perfect playa
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Version History
New Challenges
General improvements for a perfect playa
General improvements for a perfect playa
General fixes for a perfect play!
Race Track Rush FAQ
點擊此處瞭解如何在受限國家或地區下載Race Track Rush。
以下為Race Track Rush的最低配置要求。
須使用 iOS 12.0 或以上版本。
須使用 iPadOS 12.0 或以上版本。
iPod touch
須使用 iOS 12.0 或以上版本。
Race Track Rush支持英文
Race Track Rush包含應用內購買。 以下為Race Track Rush應用內購買價格清單。
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HK$ 32.00