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iReal Pro スクリーンショット
About iReal Pro
練習するからこそ完璧な演奏が出来る。 iReal Pro は、プロ、アマチュア問わず全てのミュージシャンのスキル向上をサポートするために開発された、非常に使いやすく、素晴らしい機能を搭載したアプリです。 リアルなバンドサウンドのシミュレーションと共に練習する事が出来ます。 更に、アプリ内でお好みの曲のコード譜を作成する事が出来ます。
世界中の音楽学生、教授の方々、有名なバークリーカレッジやMI (Musicians Institute Hollywood) で幅広く利用されています。
「練習するミュージシャンにとって完璧なアプリです:高音質なデジタルオーディオ、ミックス、曲のキー変更も出来て、その上ポータブル。 ミュージシャン達にとって、まるでいつもバンドが一緒にいるようだ!」- ティム・ウェスタグレン、パンドラ開発者。
• 本です:
• バンドです:
• 付属された51種類以上の伴奏スタイル (スウィング、バラード、ジプシージャズ、ブルーグラス、カントリー、ロック、ファンク、レゲエ、ボサノバ、ラテン) から選択可能。更に、
• 全てのスタイルをピアノ、ローズ・ピアノ、アコースティックやエレキのギター、エレキベース、ドラム、ビブラフォン、オルガンなど を通じて、お好みに合わせてアレンジする事が可能
• 伴奏に合わせて、自身の演奏や歌を録音することが出来ます
• 1000曲以上に及ぶ楽譜を、簡単な手順でフォーラムからダウンロード出来ます
• 既存の曲を編集、そしてエディターを使用してあなたのオリジナル曲を作成出来ます
• あなたが編集、又は作成した曲を再生出来ます
• 常に編集可能なプレイリストをいくつも作成出来ます
• あなたがお持ちのコード譜の、ギター/ウクレレのタブ譜や、ピアノの運指表を表示
• ピアノやギター/ウクレレの指使いを全コード検索可能
• アドリブのための推奨スケールを、各コードごとに表示
• 50項目に及ぶ定番コード進行練習ドリル付属
• テンポ調節、キー移調可能
• 楽譜の中から小節を選び、ループ設定することにより集中的な練習が可能
• 高度な練習機能(自動テンポの増加、自動キー移調)
• 管楽器奏者のための、グローバル Eb, Bb, F 移調設定機能搭載
• ご自身がお持ちの楽譜や作成したプレイリストを、他のiReal Proユーザーとメールやフォーラムでシェア
• 譜面をPDF、又はMusicXML形式で保存可能
• オーディオをWAV、AAC、又はMIDI形式で保存可能
• AirTurn™およびBluetoothページターナー対応
• iCloudにあなたの曲やプレイリストをアップロードして保存、そしてiCloud対応デバイス(iPhone、iPad、Mac)と同期出来ます
世界中の音楽学生、教授の方々、有名なバークリーカレッジやMI (Musicians Institute Hollywood) で幅広く利用されています。
「練習するミュージシャンにとって完璧なアプリです:高音質なデジタルオーディオ、ミックス、曲のキー変更も出来て、その上ポータブル。 ミュージシャン達にとって、まるでいつもバンドが一緒にいるようだ!」- ティム・ウェスタグレン、パンドラ開発者。
• 本です:
• バンドです:
• 付属された51種類以上の伴奏スタイル (スウィング、バラード、ジプシージャズ、ブルーグラス、カントリー、ロック、ファンク、レゲエ、ボサノバ、ラテン) から選択可能。更に、
• 全てのスタイルをピアノ、ローズ・ピアノ、アコースティックやエレキのギター、エレキベース、ドラム、ビブラフォン、オルガンなど を通じて、お好みに合わせてアレンジする事が可能
• 伴奏に合わせて、自身の演奏や歌を録音することが出来ます
• 1000曲以上に及ぶ楽譜を、簡単な手順でフォーラムからダウンロード出来ます
• 既存の曲を編集、そしてエディターを使用してあなたのオリジナル曲を作成出来ます
• あなたが編集、又は作成した曲を再生出来ます
• 常に編集可能なプレイリストをいくつも作成出来ます
• あなたがお持ちのコード譜の、ギター/ウクレレのタブ譜や、ピアノの運指表を表示
• ピアノやギター/ウクレレの指使いを全コード検索可能
• アドリブのための推奨スケールを、各コードごとに表示
• 50項目に及ぶ定番コード進行練習ドリル付属
• テンポ調節、キー移調可能
• 楽譜の中から小節を選び、ループ設定することにより集中的な練習が可能
• 高度な練習機能(自動テンポの増加、自動キー移調)
• 管楽器奏者のための、グローバル Eb, Bb, F 移調設定機能搭載
• ご自身がお持ちの楽譜や作成したプレイリストを、他のiReal Proユーザーとメールやフォーラムでシェア
• 譜面をPDF、又はMusicXML形式で保存可能
• オーディオをWAV、AAC、又はMIDI形式で保存可能
• AirTurn™およびBluetoothページターナー対応
• iCloudにあなたの曲やプレイリストをアップロードして保存、そしてiCloud対応デバイス(iPhone、iPad、Mac)と同期出来ます
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最新バージョン 2024.10 の更新情報
Last updated on 2024年11月25日
- New 11 Brazilian styles available for In-App purchase
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
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Version History
- New 11 Brazilian styles available for In-App purchase
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
Minor bug fixes
- Disable auto scrolling when selecting loops in landscape (You can now manually scroll and re-adjust the selection)
- When selecting a starting measure or loop section, moving the right selection handle ahead of the left handle now moves the whole selection and vice-versa. This is how the selection in the editor also works.
- The editor pasteboard is now cleared on app startup
- Editor: double tapping now starts a selection if the pasteboard is empty instead of failing silently
- Editor: with external keyboard you can press and hold the arrows keys for continuous cursor movement, or continuous selection when also holding down Shift
- Added support for o^ as alternate notation for o^7
- Fixed crash on iPad when sharing a song as PDF to a third party app like for example PDF Viewer
- Fixed non-allowed URLs opening in the internal Forums browser
- Fixed an issue with external keyboards becoming unresponsive for 5-6 seconds after starting playback
- When selecting a starting measure or loop section, moving the right selection handle ahead of the left handle now moves the whole selection and vice-versa. This is how the selection in the editor also works.
- The editor pasteboard is now cleared on app startup
- Editor: double tapping now starts a selection if the pasteboard is empty instead of failing silently
- Editor: with external keyboard you can press and hold the arrows keys for continuous cursor movement, or continuous selection when also holding down Shift
- Added support for o^ as alternate notation for o^7
- Fixed crash on iPad when sharing a song as PDF to a third party app like for example PDF Viewer
- Fixed non-allowed URLs opening in the internal Forums browser
- Fixed an issue with external keyboards becoming unresponsive for 5-6 seconds after starting playback
- Added additional song chart background theme colors
- Improved piano voicings for all chords qualities used in the playback tracks
Added new chord qualities: min13 , min^11 , min^13 , maj13#11 , maj7b5 , maj7#9 , min7b6 , min9b6 , maj(add4) , min(add4) , 7(add13)
- Updated all styles to support the new chord qualities
- Added chord diagrams for the new qualities for guitar, ukulele, piano and chord scales
- Updated MusicXML export to support new chord qualities
- Added support for alternate notations for some chord qualities:
-^ for -^7
alt for 7alt
7+ for 7#5
9+ for 9#5
^+ or ^#5 for ^7#5
^#11 for ^7#11
^b5 for ^7b5
- Changed recommended notation of some qualities (old notation will still work)
use add2 instead of add9
use -add2 instead of -add9
use sus4 instead of sus
use sus2 instead of 2
use 7susb9 instead of 7b9sus
use 7susb9b13 instead of 7b13sus
- Accessibility: disable cursor blinking in the editor when Reduce Motion is enabled
- Improved piano voicings for all chords qualities used in the playback tracks
Added new chord qualities: min13 , min^11 , min^13 , maj13#11 , maj7b5 , maj7#9 , min7b6 , min9b6 , maj(add4) , min(add4) , 7(add13)
- Updated all styles to support the new chord qualities
- Added chord diagrams for the new qualities for guitar, ukulele, piano and chord scales
- Updated MusicXML export to support new chord qualities
- Added support for alternate notations for some chord qualities:
-^ for -^7
alt for 7alt
7+ for 7#5
9+ for 9#5
^+ or ^#5 for ^7#5
^#11 for ^7#11
^b5 for ^7b5
- Changed recommended notation of some qualities (old notation will still work)
use add2 instead of add9
use -add2 instead of -add9
use sus4 instead of sus
use sus2 instead of 2
use 7susb9 instead of 7b9sus
use 7susb9b13 instead of 7b13sus
- Accessibility: disable cursor blinking in the editor when Reduce Motion is enabled
- New Feature: customize common odd time signatures. Choose if 5/8, 5/4 should be played as 3+2 or 2+3 and if 7/8, 7/4 should be played as 4+3 or 3+4, by adding the text 2+3, 3+4... in the desired measure in the song.
- Improved song search by ignoring apostrophes: search for Im, Its, well... instead of I'm, It's, We'll...
- Editor: Single bar repeat symbol adheres to the S ‘small’ command to fit in a single space
- Editor: Start and change a selection with Shift+Arrow keys on external keyboard
- Fixed issue with exported Midi file containing volume data
- Improved song search by ignoring apostrophes: search for Im, Its, well... instead of I'm, It's, We'll...
- Editor: Single bar repeat symbol adheres to the S ‘small’ command to fit in a single space
- Editor: Start and change a selection with Shift+Arrow keys on external keyboard
- Fixed issue with exported Midi file containing volume data
- Updated piano part in Bossa/Swing and Latin/Swing
- Fixed diminished bass lines in Blues styles
- Fixed issue with piano diagrams font covering N.C. symbol
- Improved behavior of the editor when a selection is in place
- Improved behavior of external keyboard shortcuts in the editor on iPad
- Fixed diminished bass lines in Blues styles
- Fixed issue with piano diagrams font covering N.C. symbol
- Improved behavior of the editor when a selection is in place
- Improved behavior of external keyboard shortcuts in the editor on iPad
- Fixed issue with looping sections containing repeats
- Fixed bass line for min7b5 chords in Glam Funk
- Fixed bass line for dominant chords in minor keys in Blues Flat Tire
- Made small chord qualities narrower
- Fixed position marker not showing after a Final bar line in the middle of a line
- Fixed backup import count with older format backups
- Fixed bass line for min7b5 chords in Glam Funk
- Fixed bass line for dominant chords in minor keys in Blues Flat Tire
- Made small chord qualities narrower
- Fixed position marker not showing after a Final bar line in the middle of a line
- Fixed backup import count with older format backups
Fix search bug in the forums
- The song chart color now follows the app theme settings
- The editor now works in dark mode
- Swapped the behavior of the Space bar to toggle Play/Stop and '.' to toggle Pause
- VoiceOver improvements: Three fingers swipe up/down to go to start or end of the chart
- Replace links to Twitter with Mastodon and Threads
- Add search query custom url scheme. For example: irealb://search?song%20title
- The editor now works in dark mode
- Swapped the behavior of the Space bar to toggle Play/Stop and '.' to toggle Pause
- VoiceOver improvements: Three fingers swipe up/down to go to start or end of the chart
- Replace links to Twitter with Mastodon and Threads
- Add search query custom url scheme. For example: irealb://search?song%20title
- Jazz-Medium Up Swing: 160 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- Jazz-Medium Up Swing: 160 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- Fixed issue with iCloud sync error not showing an alert in the app setting
- Fixed various guitar chord fingerings
- Fixed MusicXML export with 1st and 2nd endings
- Fixed various guitar chord fingerings
- Fixed MusicXML export with 1st and 2nd endings
- Fixed cell selection in editor in song with vertical spacers
- Fixed issue with starting playback from coda with END symbol
- Fixed issue on iPhone with measure selection for long songs (12 staves) with vertical spacers
- Fixed issue with tap target to select a measure after a new line with extra vertical space and single bar line
- Fixed issue with opening chord diagram slide-up window stopping playback
- Fixed accessibility with invisible roots
- Fixed issue with floating keyboard in Editor on iPad
- Fixed Ukulele D7 chord
- Improved some guitar chord fingerings
- Improved matching style text in editor to player style
- Fixed issue with starting playback from coda with END symbol
- Fixed issue on iPhone with measure selection for long songs (12 staves) with vertical spacers
- Fixed issue with tap target to select a measure after a new line with extra vertical space and single bar line
- Fixed issue with opening chord diagram slide-up window stopping playback
- Fixed accessibility with invisible roots
- Fixed issue with floating keyboard in Editor on iPad
- Fixed Ukulele D7 chord
- Improved some guitar chord fingerings
- Improved matching style text in editor to player style
Minor Bug Fixes
- Reduced size of exported playlists
- Fixed some translations
- Fixed a few guitar chords
- Updated AirTurn SDK to version 4.7.0
- Updated exported MusicXML to version 3.1
- Fixes to VoiceOver with numeric font
- Fixed some translations
- Fixed a few guitar chords
- Updated AirTurn SDK to version 4.7.0
- Updated exported MusicXML to version 3.1
- Fixes to VoiceOver with numeric font
- Better controls for Chord Diagrams and Chord Fonts
- Changed Share menus into Export menus
- Added Print option in the Export Chord Chart menu
- Added CMD-P keyboard shortcut to Print on iPad
- Fixed key Signature of exported MIDI files
- Fixed default guitar chords
- Fixed synth brass sound
- Lowered Volume of synth sounds
- Changed Share menus into Export menus
- Added Print option in the Export Chord Chart menu
- Added CMD-P keyboard shortcut to Print on iPad
- Fixed key Signature of exported MIDI files
- Fixed default guitar chords
- Fixed synth brass sound
- Lowered Volume of synth sounds
- Print and export of long songs is now stretched to fill the page
- Improved selection for copy/paste in the editor
- Sending feedback or support email now works if Gmail or other is set as the default email client
- Fixed issue with song background color picker in landscape on iPhone
- Fixed issues with Title and Composer clashing when displaying long songs on iPad
- Fixed issues with large accessibility text in song view controls
- Fix chord fonts not displaying for some charts in odd time signatures
- Fix export in MusicXML format for transposed charts
- iOS 14 is no longer supported
- Improved selection for copy/paste in the editor
- Sending feedback or support email now works if Gmail or other is set as the default email client
- Fixed issue with song background color picker in landscape on iPhone
- Fixed issues with Title and Composer clashing when displaying long songs on iPad
- Fixed issues with large accessibility text in song view controls
- Fix chord fonts not displaying for some charts in odd time signatures
- Fix export in MusicXML format for transposed charts
- iOS 14 is no longer supported
- Updated all styles with better fade out endings
- Fixed AirTurn issues with old pedal devices
- Fixed issue in editor with button shapes accessibility enabled
- Fixed rare crash when displaying a song with only two equal chords with piano or guitar font
- Fixed too high one handed piano chord font diagrams
- Fixed AirTurn issues with old pedal devices
- Fixed issue in editor with button shapes accessibility enabled
- Fixed rare crash when displaying a song with only two equal chords with piano or guitar font
- Fixed too high one handed piano chord font diagrams
- *NEW* Salsa styles backing tracks
- Added more triads to the guitar chords library
- Added more triads to the guitar chords library
- New Stereo sampled piano sound
- Editor: move staff text "// New Line" symbol to dedicated button next to the input text field
- Editor: revert to previous behavior of having the clear button for deleting chords in the text field
- Editor: the ••• chord quality suggestions button has moved to the right of the text field
- Editor: allow Repeat symbols to be inserted even if the input method is set to alternate chords
- Editor: fixed bug where it wasn't possible to edit the last cell in the chart
- Editor: Moved Song Info button to navigation bar to have more room for chord input field
- Editor: Fixed issue where it was impossible to enter a chord in the last cell without a closing bar line
- Editor: Changed behavior or delete key to also delete symbols after a chord is deleted
- Change Son Montuno behavior to only put fills at the change between heads and middle choruses
- Fixed long standing crash in the page swiping mechanism
- Fixed issue with piano chords font not drawing after a vertical spacer
- Added Portuguese and Russian language localizations
- Editor: revert to previous behavior of having the clear button for deleting chords in the text field
- Editor: the ••• chord quality suggestions button has moved to the right of the text field
- Editor: allow Repeat symbols to be inserted even if the input method is set to alternate chords
- Editor: fixed bug where it wasn't possible to edit the last cell in the chart
- Editor: Moved Song Info button to navigation bar to have more room for chord input field
- Editor: Fixed issue where it was impossible to enter a chord in the last cell without a closing bar line
- Editor: Changed behavior or delete key to also delete symbols after a chord is deleted
- Change Son Montuno behavior to only put fills at the change between heads and middle choruses
- Fixed long standing crash in the page swiping mechanism
- Fixed issue with piano chords font not drawing after a vertical spacer
- Added Portuguese and Russian language localizations
Fixes to the song layout on iPad
- Revert to iPad stretching tall songs horizontally when in full screen
- Simplify behavior of symbol popups in the Editor keyboard
- Colorize the symbol keys of the Editor to distinguish them from the chord entry keys
- Simplify behavior of symbol popups in the Editor keyboard
- Colorize the symbol keys of the Editor to distinguish them from the chord entry keys
- Improved editor by consolidating all symbols into one keyboard
- Fixed copy/paste behavior in the editor
- Added support for special symbol "//" for multiline staff text
- Fixed issue with long staff text flowing off of the right edge of the chart
- Improved export to PDF
- Fixed copy/paste behavior in the editor
- Added support for special symbol "//" for multiline staff text
- Fixed issue with long staff text flowing off of the right edge of the chart
- Improved export to PDF
- Fixed issue with drum breaks not working with uppercase "Break" text
- Fixed issue with drum breaks not working when multiple text snippets were added to a single measure
- Fixed issue with drum breaks not working when multiple text snippets were added to a single measure
iReal Pro 価格
iReal Pro FAQ
次のリストをチェックして、iReal Proの最低システム要件をご確認ください。
iOS 16.4以降が必要です。
iPadOS 16.4以降が必要です。
iReal Proは次の言語がサポートされています。 日本語, イタリア語, スペイン語, ドイツ語, フランス語, ポルトガル語, ロシア語, 簡体字中国語, 英語, 韓国語
iReal Pro二は内課金があります。課金要素と価格をご覧ください。