iReal Pro

iReal Pro


2024.10for iPhone, iPad
1K+ Ratings
Technimo LLC
Update Date
in Music
Age Rating
Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
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iReal Pro ポスターiReal Pro ポスターiReal Pro ポスターiReal Pro ポスターiReal Pro ポスター

About iReal Pro

練習するからこそ完璧な演奏が出来る。 iReal Pro は、プロ、アマチュア問わず全てのミュージシャンのスキル向上をサポートするために開発された、非常に使いやすく、素晴らしい機能を搭載したアプリです。 リアルなバンドサウンドのシミュレーションと共に練習する事が出来ます。 更に、アプリ内でお好みの曲のコード譜を作成する事が出来ます。


世界中の音楽学生、教授の方々、有名なバークリーカレッジやMI (Musicians Institute Hollywood) で幅広く利用されています。

「練習するミュージシャンにとって完璧なアプリです:高音質なデジタルオーディオ、ミックス、曲のキー変更も出来て、その上ポータブル。 ミュージシャン達にとって、まるでいつもバンドが一緒にいるようだ!」- ティム・ウェスタグレン、パンドラ開発者。

• 本です:

• バンドです:


• 付属された51種類以上の伴奏スタイル (スウィング、バラード、ジプシージャズ、ブルーグラス、カントリー、ロック、ファンク、レゲエ、ボサノバ、ラテン) から選択可能。更に、
• 全てのスタイルをピアノ、ローズ・ピアノ、アコースティックやエレキのギター、エレキベース、ドラム、ビブラフォン、オルガンなど を通じて、お好みに合わせてアレンジする事が可能
• 伴奏に合わせて、自身の演奏や歌を録音することが出来ます

• 1000曲以上に及ぶ楽譜を、簡単な手順でフォーラムからダウンロード出来ます
• 既存の曲を編集、そしてエディターを使用してあなたのオリジナル曲を作成出来ます
• あなたが編集、又は作成した曲を再生出来ます
• 常に編集可能なプレイリストをいくつも作成出来ます

• あなたがお持ちのコード譜の、ギター/ウクレレのタブ譜や、ピアノの運指表を表示
• ピアノやギター/ウクレレの指使いを全コード検索可能
• アドリブのための推奨スケールを、各コードごとに表示

• 50項目に及ぶ定番コード進行練習ドリル付属
• テンポ調節、キー移調可能
• 楽譜の中から小節を選び、ループ設定することにより集中的な練習が可能
• 高度な練習機能(自動テンポの増加、自動キー移調)
• 管楽器奏者のための、グローバル Eb, Bb, F 移調設定機能搭載

• ご自身がお持ちの楽譜や作成したプレイリストを、他のiReal Proユーザーとメールやフォーラムでシェア
• 譜面をPDF、又はMusicXML形式で保存可能
• オーディオをWAV、AAC、又はMIDI形式で保存可能
• AirTurn™およびBluetoothページターナー対応
• iCloudにあなたの曲やプレイリストをアップロードして保存、そしてiCloud対応デバイス(iPhone、iPad、Mac)と同期出来ます

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最新バージョン 2024.10 の更新情報

Last updated on 2024年11月25日
- New 11 Brazilian styles available for In-App purchase
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
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Version History
- New 11 Brazilian styles available for In-App purchase
- New: When looping a section of a song, the whole loop stays highlighted
- Improved online search for a song (Lead Sheet, YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify)
- Added dark mode app icon
- Fixed issues where it was possible to write emojis in the song title, composer or style
Minor bug fixes
- Disable auto scrolling when selecting loops in landscape (You can now manually scroll and re-adjust the selection)
- When selecting a starting measure or loop section, moving the right selection handle ahead of the left handle now moves the whole selection and vice-versa. This is how the selection in the editor also works.
- The editor pasteboard is now cleared on app startup
- Editor: double tapping now starts a selection if the pasteboard is empty instead of failing silently
- Editor: with external keyboard you can press and hold the arrows keys for continuous cursor movement, or continuous selection when also holding down Shift
- Added support for o^ as alternate notation for o^7
- Fixed crash on iPad when sharing a song as PDF to a third party app like for example PDF Viewer
- Fixed non-allowed URLs opening in the internal Forums browser
- Fixed an issue with external keyboards becoming unresponsive for 5-6 seconds after starting playback
- Added additional song chart background theme colors
- Improved piano voicings for all chords qualities used in the playback tracks

Added new chord qualities: min13 , min^11 , min^13 , maj13#11 , maj7b5 , maj7#9 , min7b6 , min9b6 , maj(add4) , min(add4) , 7(add13)

- Updated all styles to support the new chord qualities
- Added chord diagrams for the new qualities for guitar, ukulele, piano and chord scales
- Updated MusicXML export to support new chord qualities

- Added support for alternate notations for some chord qualities:
-^ for -^7
alt for 7alt
7+ for 7#5
9+ for 9#5
^+ or ^#5 for ^7#5
^#11 for ^7#11
^b5 for ^7b5

- Changed recommended notation of some qualities (old notation will still work)
use add2 instead of add9
use -add2 instead of -add9
use sus4 instead of sus
use sus2 instead of 2
use 7susb9 instead of 7b9sus
use 7susb9b13 instead of 7b13sus

- Accessibility: disable cursor blinking in the editor when Reduce Motion is enabled
- New Feature: customize common odd time signatures. Choose if 5/8, 5/4 should be played as 3+2 or 2+3 and if 7/8, 7/4 should be played as 4+3 or 3+4, by adding the text 2+3, 3+4... in the desired measure in the song.
- Improved song search by ignoring apostrophes: search for Im, Its, well... instead of I'm, It's, We'll...
- Editor: Single bar repeat symbol adheres to the S ‘small’ command to fit in a single space
- Editor: Start and change a selection with Shift+Arrow keys on external keyboard
- Fixed issue with exported Midi file containing volume data
- Updated piano part in Bossa/Swing and Latin/Swing
- Fixed diminished bass lines in Blues styles
- Fixed issue with piano diagrams font covering N.C. symbol
- Improved behavior of the editor when a selection is in place
- Improved behavior of external keyboard shortcuts in the editor on iPad
- Fixed issue with looping sections containing repeats
- Fixed bass line for min7b5 chords in Glam Funk
- Fixed bass line for dominant chords in minor keys in Blues Flat Tire
- Made small chord qualities narrower
- Fixed position marker not showing after a Final bar line in the middle of a line
- Fixed backup import count with older format backups
Fix search bug in the forums
- The song chart color now follows the app theme settings
- The editor now works in dark mode
- Swapped the behavior of the Space bar to toggle Play/Stop and '.' to toggle Pause
- VoiceOver improvements: Three fingers swipe up/down to go to start or end of the chart
- Replace links to Twitter with Mastodon and Threads
- Add search query custom url scheme. For example: irealb://search?song%20title
- Jazz-Medium Up Swing: 160 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- Jazz-Medium Up Swing: 160 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 72%
- new drum fills and snare comping accents
- new piano comping rhythms
- bass accents match new 72% swing feel
- Jazz-Medium Swing: 120 BMP default tempo
- all the changes from Medium Up Swing plus:
- better position of hi-hat because of the sample attack at slower tempo
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Up Tempo Swing: 240 BMP default tempo
- new flat ride cymbal sound
- ride swing at 62%
- new piano comping rhythms
- Jazz-Doo Doo Cats:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- Jazz-Guitar Trio: now uses bass and drums from Medium Up Swing
- Jazz-Bossa Nova: new flat ride cymbal sound
- Jazz-Bossa/Swing: new flat ride cymbal sound and same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-New Orleans Swing: same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Jazz-Swing Two Four:
- two feel swing on hi-hat at 72%
- same bass and drums as Medium Up Swing in the middle choruses
- Simplified Piano rhythms in 3/4 for Medium Up Swing 2 and Up Tempo Swing 2
- Double Time Swing now also works with 3/4 and 2/4 time signatures
- Better guitar/keys rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in Blues: Funky, Gospel, Muddy, Nola, Shout, Texas Rock
- Better piano rhythms with 2 chords per measure in 4/4 in: Latin-Brazil Samba, Latin-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Bolero, Salsa-Cuba Cha Cha Cha
- Fixed issue with iCloud sync error not showing an alert in the app setting
- Fixed various guitar chord fingerings
- Fixed MusicXML export with 1st and 2nd endings
- Fixed cell selection in editor in song with vertical spacers
- Fixed issue with starting playback from coda with END symbol
- Fixed issue on iPhone with measure selection for long songs (12 staves) with vertical spacers
- Fixed issue with tap target to select a measure after a new line with extra vertical space and single bar line
- Fixed issue with opening chord diagram slide-up window stopping playback
- Fixed accessibility with invisible roots
- Fixed issue with floating keyboard in Editor on iPad
- Fixed Ukulele D7 chord
- Improved some guitar chord fingerings
- Improved matching style text in editor to player style
Minor Bug Fixes
- Reduced size of exported playlists
- Fixed some translations
- Fixed a few guitar chords
- Updated AirTurn SDK to version 4.7.0
- Updated exported MusicXML to version 3.1
- Fixes to VoiceOver with numeric font
- Better controls for Chord Diagrams and Chord Fonts
- Changed Share menus into Export menus
- Added Print option in the Export Chord Chart menu
- Added CMD-P keyboard shortcut to Print on iPad
- Fixed key Signature of exported MIDI files
- Fixed default guitar chords
- Fixed synth brass sound
- Lowered Volume of synth sounds
- Print and export of long songs is now stretched to fill the page
- Improved selection for copy/paste in the editor
- Sending feedback or support email now works if Gmail or other is set as the default email client
- Fixed issue with song background color picker in landscape on iPhone
- Fixed issues with Title and Composer clashing when displaying long songs on iPad
- Fixed issues with large accessibility text in song view controls
- Fix chord fonts not displaying for some charts in odd time signatures
- Fix export in MusicXML format for transposed charts
- iOS 14 is no longer supported
- Updated all styles with better fade out endings
- Fixed AirTurn issues with old pedal devices
- Fixed issue in editor with button shapes accessibility enabled
- Fixed rare crash when displaying a song with only two equal chords with piano or guitar font
- Fixed too high one handed piano chord font diagrams
- *NEW* Salsa styles backing tracks
- Added more triads to the guitar chords library
- New Stereo sampled piano sound
- Editor: move staff text "// New Line" symbol to dedicated button next to the input text field
- Editor: revert to previous behavior of having the clear button for deleting chords in the text field
- Editor: the ••• chord quality suggestions button has moved to the right of the text field
- Editor: allow Repeat symbols to be inserted even if the input method is set to alternate chords
- Editor: fixed bug where it wasn't possible to edit the last cell in the chart
- Editor: Moved Song Info button to navigation bar to have more room for chord input field
- Editor: Fixed issue where it was impossible to enter a chord in the last cell without a closing bar line
- Editor: Changed behavior or delete key to also delete symbols after a chord is deleted
- Change Son Montuno behavior to only put fills at the change between heads and middle choruses
- Fixed long standing crash in the page swiping mechanism
- Fixed issue with piano chords font not drawing after a vertical spacer
- Added Portuguese and Russian language localizations
Fixes to the song layout on iPad
- Revert to iPad stretching tall songs horizontally when in full screen
- Simplify behavior of symbol popups in the Editor keyboard
- Colorize the symbol keys of the Editor to distinguish them from the chord entry keys
- Improved editor by consolidating all symbols into one keyboard
- Fixed copy/paste behavior in the editor
- Added support for special symbol "//" for multiline staff text
- Fixed issue with long staff text flowing off of the right edge of the chart
- Improved export to PDF
- Fixed issue with drum breaks not working with uppercase "Break" text
- Fixed issue with drum breaks not working when multiple text snippets were added to a single measure

iReal Pro 価格


iReal Pro FAQ

次のリストをチェックして、iReal Proの最低システム要件をご確認ください。
iOS 16.4以降が必要です。
iPadOS 16.4以降が必要です。
iReal Proは次の言語がサポートされています。 日本語, イタリア語, スペイン語, ドイツ語, フランス語, ポルトガル語, ロシア語, 簡体字中国語, 英語, 韓国語
iReal Pro二は内課金があります。課金要素と価格をご覧ください。

iReal Proの類似アプリ


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