My Singing Monsters

My Singing Monsters


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4.4.0for iPhone, iPad and more
162K+ Ratings
Big Blue Bubble
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in Music
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Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
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Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
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About My Singing Monsters

「My Singing Monsters」へようこそ!モンスターたちをブリーディング・育成し、モンスターたちの奏でる歌声に耳を傾けよう!



今すぐ「My Singing Monsters」をダウンロードして、モンスターマスターを目指そう!

• 250匹以上のユニークでかわいいモンスターたちを集めてレベルアップできます。ドラゴンブームは去年でピーク…
• 見つけた島々を、素敵なデコレーションとキャッチーな音楽で飾り付けることができます
• 楽しいグラフィックとキャラクターアニメーションを楽しめます
• 世界中のフレンドと一緒にプレイできます
• 一年中新しいアップデートやイベントが目白押し


ご注意!「My Singing Monsters」の基本プレイは完全無料ですが、一部アイテムは実際のお金でも購入可能です。この機能を使用したくない場合は、ご使用のデバイスでアプリ内購入を無効に設定してください。「My Singing Monsters」をプレイするには、インターネット(3GまたはWiFi)接続が必要です。

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最新バージョン 4.4.0 の更新情報

Last updated on 2024年09月04日
記念月イベントで、My Singing Monsters12周年をお祝いしましょう!



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Version History
記念月イベントで、My Singing Monsters12周年をお祝いしましょう!



まぼろしのワークショップの最終段階が近づいてきました。4 元素の毒モンスターウーギディが、とんでもない混乱を引き起こしています。さらに、活気あふれるフーラが戻ってきて、「サマーソング」季節イベントの開始を告げています。DJエピックが、誰もが参加できるクラブボックスコンサートを開催する予定です...

• まぼろしの島に「Eカジレオン」がやってきた
• 4つの新コスチュームを含め、「サマーソング」シリーズのコスチュームを手に入れるチャンス
• 「ハイドリッド・ハードル」がコロッシンガムでプレイ可能
日本からのプレイヤーへようこそ - 日本語がサポートされる言語になりました。最高のエクスペリエンスをお届けするために、「My Singing Monsters」 を定期的に更新します。 このファーコーンサイズのアップデートには、ゲームを「調整」するための役立つ改善と最適化が含まれています。 モンスターマスターを目指そう!
新しいネクサスのコアのメニューと拡張アップグレードを使用して、魔法のネクサスでモンスター コレクションを追跡しましょう。さらに、My Singing Monsters Composer を所有することで、作曲者の島のガズートをアンロックできるようになりました。

• まぼろしのワークショップウェーブ5がやってきた
• 新モンスター登場:Rアングロー、Rクラックラ、Rピクソロティル
• サブページ付きの モンスターブックのフィルター
• 読み込みの改善と最適化 (マップを含む!)
待望の新しく改良されたマップがついに登場し、キケンな大冒険に間に合うようになりました! このイベントでは、新しい顔やおなじみの顔が多数登場します。何を期待していますか?

• モンスターワールドのマップ
• Eスプルリット、炎のオアシスに「ワブボックス」がやってきた、ミミック、Eファングラー
• 「キケンな大冒険」シリーズのコスチュームを手に入れるチャンス
• 「キケンな大冒険」のデコと季節限定障害物デコを手に入れるチャンス
日本からのプレイヤーへようこそ - 日本語がサポートされる言語になりました。最高のエクスペリエンスをお届けするために、「My Singing Monsters」 を定期的に更新します。 このファーコーンサイズのアップデートには、ゲームを「調整」するための役立つ改善と最適化が含まれています。 モンスターマスターを目指そう!

• まぼろしのワークショップウェーブ4がやってきた
• 「エコのエコー」シリーズのコスチュームを手に入れるチャンス
• 「エコのエコー」のデコと季節限定障害物デコを手に入れるチャンス
• 光の島と魔法のネクサスに「Rプラックビル」がやってきた

• 機能の向上:炎と魔法の島のモンスタースクラッチチケット
• 新モンスター登場:ワブリン島でRダーミットが進化可能になった
日本からのプレイヤーへようこそ - 日本語がサポートされる言語になりました。最高のエクスペリエンスをお届けするために、「My Singing Monsters」 を定期的に更新します。 このファーコーンサイズのアップデートには、ゲームを「調整」するための役立つ改善と最適化が含まれています。 モンスターマスターを目指そう!
We're going through a phase... a moon phase, that is! CRESCENDO MOON is arriving soon on Magical Sanctum, and as the Seasonal Event gets underway, there's cause for celebration all across the Monster World...

• NEW Monsters: Dipsters on Magical Sanctum, Rare Fleechwurm, Rare Knucklehead, Adult Furnoss
• NEW Costumes and Animated Decorations for Crescendo Moon
• Improvements and optimizations
The wait is over! WAVE 2 of Monsters has arrived on the Ethereal Workshop, alongside some new faces elsewhere in the Monster World... It's a Yay miracle!

• Improvements to Attunement/Synthesis menus
• Paths on Ethereal Workshop
• NEW Monsters: Rare Monculus, Rare Scargo, Epic Bellowfish
• Rebalanced difficulty for evolutions on Amber Island

Season's Greetings and Happy Monstering!
What's the 411? A little advice for aspiring Fires: you'll get put out if you don't get a little wild! The Monster-Handlers are Fired up to announce the FIRE EXPANSION!

As the FEAST-EMBER Seasonal Event kicks off on Fire Haven, a collection of Fire Monsters previously exclusive to Amber Island have made their way to the Fire and Magical Islands! Because they're only briefly visiting, there's no breeding involved - you'll have to muster the Relics required to collect them directly from the Market! Pro tip: If you've been keeping up with Amber Island, that Relic generation investment is paying off! The Monsters' accompanying Rares are also joining in the fun as StarShop exclusives for the duration of Feast-Ember. When will these Monsters visit again? Only time will tell, so you'd better get organized!

The impetuous Rare Spurrit makes its wall-crashing debut as well, alongside the fluorescently-colored Rare Bona-Petite and cave-crawling Rare Candelavra (the first-ever Rare Quint!) As we approach the end of 2023, focus begins to shift back to the Ethereal Workshop, and what newcomers may await during the final Seasonal Event of the year...
"It's all in your head"... and by head, we mean Ethereal Island, and by it, we mean the NEW ETHEREAL WORKSHOP!

This secret laboratory uses revolutionary Structures and charming critters called MEEBS to harness the powers of Attunement and Synthesis and bring previously-impossible Ethereal hybrids to life! The first 5 Monsters are ready to join together and sing a song inspired by mad science and gadgetry, and they're only the beginning!

Another branch of the Ethereal family tree is also getting a major upgrade - DOUBLE-ELEMENT ETHEREALS have arrived on the Colossingum! Wielding Ethereal Elemental Moves and sharing their Single-Element cousins' ability to regenerate Stamina, they will soon be on the front lines in new Quests rewarding unbelievable Costumes.

Finally, Celestials now have the unique ability to ASCEND before their inventories are completely full! This is risky business, but even if you're unsuccessful, you'll receive WILDCARDS which can be applied towards any inventory!

Thank you for joining us during our Anniversary Year Event - we couldn't have done it without you, and we are so grateful for your love and support. Happy Monstering!
Celebrate 11 years of My Singing Monsters with our ANNIVERSARY MONTH Event!

Anniversary Year is coming to an end, and we have a ton of exciting news to share. The glorious Gold Island is squarely in the spotlight, because GOLD EPIC WUBBOX is available for the first time! Sporting an appropriately regal new box form and divided into 5 Elemental Phases, this Monster represents the absolute pinnacle of achievement in the Monster World. The Seasonal Jam Boree and its Rare and NEW EPIC cousins have also been invited to join in the festivities on Gold Island - this news really takes the cake!

With the help of our awesome Handler-Helper community, we're buzzing with excitement to debut the Fire Haven Mythical - BUZZINGA! Once again designed via special Make-a-Mythical polls earlier this year, this charming collaborative creation is joined by its unnerving Dreamythical KNURV and both are ready to be added to your collections.

There's lots more to discover in this monumental update to My Singing Monsters, and of course, it wouldn't be Anniversary Month without a few extra tricks up our sleeves... stay tuned! Thanks for 11 years of breeding, feeding, and singing with the Monsters! Happy Monstering!
If you listen, the stars have a story to tell... introducing the astounding phenomenon of Celestial ASCENSION!

Each month, one of the 12 CELESTIALS will unlock the ability to Ascend from its young form into an adult! You'll need to Zap the proper combination of eggs into its inventory, including hard-to-get Monsters like Seasonals and Rares... and you'll only have the duration of the month to do so. Thankfully, you'll be able to use the new FLEX egg system to choose from an assortment of eligible Monsters to Zap. Then, when the inventory is complete, harness the power of KEYS to complete the Ascension! Because of their special connection to the genesis of the Monster World, Ascended Celestials can now generate Keys themselves! Let's kick it off with the first Celestial we met all those years ago... SCARATAR!

The final Colossal CONUNDRUM (for now) is available on Earth Island for the first time - perhaps its appearance will remind you of another eye-opening reveal some years back? As Boo'qwurm prepares for the MINDBOGGLE Seasonal Event, excitement is starting to build for the grand finale of our Anniversary Year celebration...
Single-Element ETHEREALS are arriving on the COLOSSINGUM!

The eccentric Ethereals Ghazt, Grumpyre, Reebro, Jeeode and Humbug are joining Battle Mode for the very first time! Teleport them at Level 5 from either their Natural Island or Ethereal Island and start training.

Ethereals have the special ability to RESTORE STAMINA when they use an Elemental Move than matches theirs, and there's a whole new network of Strengths and Weaknesses against existing Elements for you to learn! New permanent QUESTS can be completed to unlock powerful COSTUMES and raise your Colossingum Level to obtain even more! As for when more Ethereals will be arriving on the Colossingum... that remains to be seen.

Speaking of seeing, the latest Colossal CONUNDRUM for Water Island is now available, so start collecting those puzzle pieces! Enjoy the remainder of the Month of the Mythical 2, and Happy Monstering!
Huzzah! It's time for Perplexplore!

Satisfy your scientific curiosity as the scholarly Seasonal Spurrit arrives on Fire Oasis for the very first time! The new Perplexplore Island Skin is a blown glass masterpiece that celebrates the wonders of science and the thrill of discovery.

The redecorated Fire Oasis isn't the only Fire-related aspect of the Monster World debuting in this update... the Rare Wubbox has revealed itself on Fire Haven! Does its existence on this island answer any questions about the history of this Supernatural oddity... or does it just lead to even more questions? Bah!

And that's not all - introducing Amber Island Sets! Every 4 weeks, a different set of 5 Fire Monster Vessels will be available to revitalize, including 1 voted on by the player community! Alongside these quintessential quintets, a brand new Rare or Epic will be released, starting with the May 2023 Set's Epic Sneyser!

• NEW Seasonal Event: Perplexplore
• Spurrit now available on Fire Oasis
• NEW Monster: Rare Wubbox on Fire Haven
• NEW Decorations: Obstacle Decorations for Perplexplore
• Monthly Sets of 5 Featured Vessels on Amber Island + 1 NEW Rare/Epic
The Echoes of Eco are in full bloom! Join the warm and caring Viveine as it makes its debut not on only Amber Island, but on Shugabush Island as well! And that's not all - the fourteenth and final Amber Monster wave heralds the arrival of the Plant Quint Gnarls and concludes a musical saga over a year in the making!

• NEW Seasonal Event: Echoes of Eco
• Viveine now available on Amber Island and Shugabush Island
• NEW Monsters: Gnarls and Rare PongPing
• NEW Decorations: Obstacle Decorations for Echoes of Eco
• Enhanced Crucible now available on Amber Island
• Amber Island Epics added every week
At long last, the third and final of the Ultimate Creator Experience Monsters is here! Let's give a warm Monster World welcome to ANGLOW, the Water Island Mythical, and its loyal Dreamythical the Pinghound! As for when the last Mythical will arrive... you'll have to tune in during this year's Month of the Mythical to find out!

With Anglow's assistance, Blabbit has made an electrifying discovery on Wublin Island - RARE WUBLINS are here! How long have you been waiting for these?! Tap into the evolutionary potential of the launch group of 5 using Keys and the electrical energy of Zapped Rare eggs to evolve them! Wublin Island has also undergone a battery of improvements and optimizations (see what we did there?), alongside the introduction of the new POLARITY feature! Learn more about these changes in our 3.9 Kickoff video.

Enjoy the grand finale of the 10th annual Eggs-Travaganza Seasonal Event and stay tuned later this month for the inaugural Echoes of Eco, the final Amber Monster wave and more exciting updates during Anniversary Year! Happy Monstering!
The month of Cold is upon us, but don't give us the Cold shoulder... you'll want to hear all about this update!

The Cold Island CONUNDRUM is here, along with optimizations and improvements to the Colossal Conundra feature! The Coloss-Eye is now available for free from the beginning, and once placed on your island, will operate as your base of operations for collecting puzzle pieces and rewards! As more pieces are collected, the obelisk will be restored bit by bit to its full potential. Additionally, we've rebalanced the daily rewards to include helpful BOOSTS tied to the Conundrum's island. You can view which Boosts are active in the Info menu of that island.

The charming CLOVERSPELL Seasonal Event is making its grand debut on Faerie Island, adding (you guessed it!) the pocket-sized FFIDYLL to the fray! Even more minuscule than this Monster are the DIPSTERS, also arriving on Faerie Island for the first time! And no modern Seasonal Event is complete without a mesmerizing Seasonal ISLAND SKIN to activate as a trial... or to own forever!

On the opposite side of the size scale from Faerie Island's newest residents is the 'Big' TUSKSKI, the Cold Quint, trumpeting its way onto Amber Island in the penultimate WAVE 13! It's accompanied by the 'Gloomy Bloom' itself, the RARE EDAMIMI, as well as your picks for the Amber Rerun Vessel availabilities! Can you believe there's only 1 more Wave to go?

Even though this update is Cold-themed, the heat of SummerSong feels like it's drawing near... Anyway, Happy Monstering!
We regularly update My Singing Monsters to make it the best experience it can be! This Furcorn-sized update contains helpful improvements and optimizations to 'tune up' the game. Happy Monstering!
Love is in the air as the lovable Schmoochle returns for our 10th annual SEASON OF LOVE Seasonal Event! Air Island's romantic appearance has received a major glow-up, courtesy of a new-and-improved Seasonal ISLAND SKIN, available for a limited time! What's more, there are more COSTUMES in the Season of Love Seasonal Series than ever before, and our daily 'BURDS OF A FURTHER' promotion will keep you guessing as to what unites each Rare and Epic pair!

We've made some tweaks and optimizations to the Colossal Conundra feature, including the introduction of the CATCH UP mechanic! Missed a day or two on the path to awakening the Colossals? Now you can make up for lost time by spending a few Diamonds to get caught up! The current Conundrum, along with other daily activities, can now be found in the new ACTIVITIES menu on the main interface. As for when the next one is arriving... the answer is hidden among the distant, freezing stars...

Finally, we're celebrating the debut of Rare Yawstrich, the third and final of the Rare Mythicals to visit during Anniversary Year... but certainly not the final addition to Mythical Island! We hope you're all feeling well-'SUITED' for a big surprise!

Happy Monstering!
It's happening... it's finally happening! The COLOSSALS are awakening!

Log in every day to collect a puzzle piece of the Colossal CONUNDRUM, and receive a special reward too! Once all of the pieces of a Conundrum have been assembled, an eye-opening surprise awaits... the gigantic being rumbles to life, a special Structure called the Coloss-Eye manifests, and the sonorous voice of the Colossal is heard for the first time in forever! Plant Island is but the first...

But that's not all! Starting with the Festival of Yay, take advantage of the brand new SEASONAL ISLAND SKINS feature! You may activate or deactivate your free trial of a Seasonal Island Skin anytime during its Event. Purchase the Seasonal Island Skin to keep its Boosts and the ability to activate it anytime throughout the year!

Anniversary Year continues in 2023... until then, have a safe and joyful holiday, and Happy Monstering!
It's happening... it's finally happening! The COLOSSALS are awakening!

Log in every day to collect a puzzle piece of the Colossal CONUNDRUM, and receive a special reward too! Once all of the pieces of a Conundrum have been assembled, an eye-opening surprise awaits... the gigantic being rumbles to life, a special Structure called the Coloss-Eye manifests, and the sonorous voice of the Colossal is heard for the first time in forever! Plant Island is but the first...

But that's not all! Starting with the Festival of Yay, take advantage of the brand new SEASONAL ISLAND SKINS feature! You may activate or deactivate your free trial of a Seasonal Island Skin anytime during its Event. Purchase the Seasonal Island Skin to keep its Boosts and the ability to activate it anytime throughout the year!

Anniversary Year continues in 2023... until then, have a safe and joyful holiday, and Happy Monstering!
As if the tenth ever Spooktacle wasn't cause enough for celebration... it's time to launch the FIRST EVER BEAT HEREAFTER!

As many of our astute players predicted, this brand new Seasonal Event is launching on BONE ISLAND, where the native Natural, Fire and Magical Monsters are overjoyed to welcome CLAVAVERA for the very first time! But that's not all - Clavavera is sporting an updated look, alongside a completely redecorated island! We worked closely with a third party during the development of this celebration to ensure that My Singing Monsters continues to be a place where every player feels respected, represented and included. Visit the Big Blue Bubble website to learn more about the process of bringing our Day of the Dead-inspired event to life!

• NEW Seasonal Event - the Beat Hereafter
• Clavavera now available on Bone Island
• NEW Monster: Rare Withur available on Bone Island
• NEW Decorations: Obstacle Decorations for the Beat Hereafter
• Dipsters now available on Bone Island

My Singing Monsters FAQ

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