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Weather Calc 스크린 샷
About Weather Calc
If you’re a pilot, you often need to make lots of weather related calculations. Now there’s an easy solution, as close as your iPhone.
Weather Calc performs the following weather relation calculations:
Altimeter Setting - compute the altimeter setting based on elevation and station pressure
Cricket Temperature - just for fun! This lets you estimate the temperature based on the chirp rate of a cricket
Heat Index - compute the heat index based on the temperature and relative humidity
Pressure - convert between hPa, atmospheres, psi, and inches and mm of mercury (Hg)
Relative Humidity - compute the wet bulb and dewpoint based on the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity
Speed Of Sound - displays the speed of sound in various units, given the temperature
Standard Atmosphere - compute the temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, speed of sound, and more
Station Pressure - compute the station pressure based on the elevation and altimeter setting.
Temperature - convert between degrees Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, and Rankine
Virtual Temperature - compute the virtual temperature based on the temperature, dewpoint, and pressure
Vapor Pressure - com[ute the saturated and actual vapor pressure, as well as relative humidity
Wet Bulb - compute the dewpoint and relative humidity based on the temperature, pressure, and wet bulb reading
Wind Chill - compute the wind chill based on the temperature and wind speed
Wind Speed - convert between knots, kilometers/hour, meters/second, miles/hour, feet/second
Buy your copy now, and let Weather Calc take the drugery out of weather related calculations.
Weather Calc performs the following weather relation calculations:
Altimeter Setting - compute the altimeter setting based on elevation and station pressure
Cricket Temperature - just for fun! This lets you estimate the temperature based on the chirp rate of a cricket
Heat Index - compute the heat index based on the temperature and relative humidity
Pressure - convert between hPa, atmospheres, psi, and inches and mm of mercury (Hg)
Relative Humidity - compute the wet bulb and dewpoint based on the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity
Speed Of Sound - displays the speed of sound in various units, given the temperature
Standard Atmosphere - compute the temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, speed of sound, and more
Station Pressure - compute the station pressure based on the elevation and altimeter setting.
Temperature - convert between degrees Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, and Rankine
Virtual Temperature - compute the virtual temperature based on the temperature, dewpoint, and pressure
Vapor Pressure - com[ute the saturated and actual vapor pressure, as well as relative humidity
Wet Bulb - compute the dewpoint and relative humidity based on the temperature, pressure, and wet bulb reading
Wind Chill - compute the wind chill based on the temperature and wind speed
Wind Speed - convert between knots, kilometers/hour, meters/second, miles/hour, feet/second
Buy your copy now, and let Weather Calc take the drugery out of weather related calculations.
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최신 버전 2.0의 새로운 기능
Last updated on Jun 5, 2022
오래된 버전
Updates for new iOS version
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Version History
Jun 5, 2022
Updates for new iOS version
Jul 26, 2016
Added conversions for speed of sound, and temperature vs cricket chirp rate.
Several bug fixes.
Several bug fixes.
Jun 12, 2014
Updated for iOS 7
Jan 9, 2013
Now available for the iPad also
Updated for iOS6 and iPhone 5
Updated for iOS6 and iPhone 5
Oct 31, 2009
Corrected an error with calculations of vapor pressure.
Feb 25, 2009
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