The Giant Turnip - fairy tale
Story for kids with mini-games
免費Offers In-App Purchases
1.0.1for iPhone, iPad and more
Age Rating
The Giant Turnip - fairy tale 螢幕截圖
About The Giant Turnip - fairy tale
Made with the love of our own children in mind, It is the result of tireless days in development and testing resulting in a product we are proud to share.
We’ve created this app with mini-games to educate children while having fun and parents can put kids to bed in an entertaining way.
• 3 story options (play, read or view)
• 4 child-friendly mini-games (Hidden object, Jigsaw puzzle, Spot the difference and Match Pairs)
• 5 languages (English, German, French, Ukrainian or Russian)
• Excellent voiceovers recorded by narration professionals from around the world.
We’ve created this app with mini-games to educate children while having fun and parents can put kids to bed in an entertaining way.
• 3 story options (play, read or view)
• 4 child-friendly mini-games (Hidden object, Jigsaw puzzle, Spot the difference and Match Pairs)
• 5 languages (English, German, French, Ukrainian or Russian)
• Excellent voiceovers recorded by narration professionals from around the world.
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Last updated on 2019年03月23日
Version History
The Giant Turnip - fairy tale FAQ
點擊此處瞭解如何在受限國家或地區下載The Giant Turnip - fairy tale。
以下為The Giant Turnip - fairy tale的最低配置要求。
須使用 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。
須使用 iPadOS 9.0 或以上版本。
iPod touch
須使用 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。
The Giant Turnip - fairy tale支持俄文, 德文, 法文, 烏克蘭文, 英文
The Giant Turnip - fairy tale包含應用內購買。 以下為The Giant Turnip - fairy tale應用內購買價格清單。
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