WeTamam Client وي تمام للخدمات السريعة

WeTamam Client وي تمام للخدمات السريعة


1.0for iPhone
Sami Alhelwah
Update Date
Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
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About WeTamam Client وي تمام للخدمات السريعة

WeTamam is here to make ordering service providers easier and faster. It is so obvious it needs to be on your mobile phone and it needs to be a simple process. You need a private teacher, plumper, yoga trainer, language teacher, and maybe a nanny.

WeTamam is here to help you order these and more, don't limit your expectations, today anything can happen " just ask ! ".

We are still making this better everyday, hit us with your feedback please info@wetamam.com

وي تمام خدمة عن طريقها تسهل كل الخدمات, صار ضروري ومنطقي جداً انك تطلب خدمات منزلية من جوالك وباسرع طريقة. عند حاجتك لمدرس خصوصي لمعلم لغة, او مدربة يوغا او حتى مربية أطفال كلها منطقية لدى وي تمام. لديك حفلى واحترتي من سينظمها ربما احتجتي كيكة وليس لديك الوقت لإعدادها. وي تمام ستساعدك على كل ذلك . "ليكن خيالك واسع " .
سنقوم بمراجعة وتحسين وي تمام كل يوم نحتاج رأيك ، على هذا الايميل info@wetamam.com
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Last updated on 2016年11月17日
Version History

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WeTamam Client وي تمام للخدمات السريعة支持English

WeTamam Client وي تمام للخدمات السريعة相關應用


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