Age Rating
Apps in this category do not contain restricted content.
Apps in this category may contain mild or occasional cartoon, fantasy or real-life violence, as well as occasional or mild adult, sexually suggestive or horrifying content and may not be suitable for children under 9 years of age.
Apps in this category may contain occasional mild indecent language, frequent or intense cartoon or real-life violence, minor or occasional adult or sexually suggestive material, and simulated gambling, and may be for children under 12 years of age.
You must be at least 17 years old to access this App.
Apps in this category may contain frequent and intense offensive language; Frequent and intense cartoon, fantasy or realistic violence: frequent and intense adult, scary and sexually suggestive subjects: as well as sexual content, nudity, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, may not be suitable for children under 17 years of age.
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Gestii posterGestii posterGestii poster

About Gestii

Gestii es un avanzado sistema de localización y administración de agentes de campo mediante el cual puedes supervisar y obtener información de tu equipo a través de sus celulares sin importar en qué parte del mundo se encuentren trabajando. ¡Con las potentes herramientas de Gestii no necesitas esperar a que termine la jornada para saber el resultado de tus visitas, conócelo al instante!
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What's New in the Latest Version 5.0

Last updated on Apr 13, 2017
Old Versions
Mejoras en la estabilidad
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Version History
Apr 13, 2017
Mejoras en la estabilidad

Gestii FAQ

Click here to learn how to download Gestii in restricted country or region.
Check the following list to see the minimum requirements of Gestii.
Gestii supports English

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