Halide Mark II - Pro Camera
RAW, Manual and Macro Capture
免費Offers In-App Purchases
2.15.3for iPhone, iPad and more
2K+ Ratings
Lux Optics Incorporated
26.5 MB
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Halide Mark II - Pro Camera 螢幕截圖
About Halide Mark II - Pro Camera
Halide為Macworld「必須程式」,The Verge「喜愛程式」及The Sweet Setup之「最佳iPhone第三方相機程式」。Daring Fireball「這種對細節的瘋狂專注應獲讚賞。」
這是一款創新的應用程式,攝影極度細緻周全。 憑藉高端工具及為最新iPhone從頭特製,受專業相機啟發的精美版面,Halide是你真正想拍下完美照片時的首選相機。
Halide可手動改變曝光及手動對焦。 以及一掃一轉輕易切換強大自動模式或手動模式。 Halide的專業工具為程式商店中最強,具XDR(延伸動態焦距)14位元RAW串流波動顯示、色彩斑馬、峰值焦點、詳細直方圖、寸鏡、自動調節水平格線聚焦助手、手動深度捕捉及RAW支援。*自定控制以調整工具以適合你的所需。
- 單手可用,美觀、基於手動控制設計的界面
- 以iPhone XR及iPhone SE拍攝寵物及物件
- 手動聚焦,及聚焦寸鏡、峰值焦點等強大工具
- Halide智能RAW之智能自動模式,最佳化的設定含RAW檔機械學習以降低噪值及提升細節
- 全面手動曝光控制,包括快門速度,ISO及白平衡
- iPhone最佳曝光工具:詳細直方圖、14位元RAW串流波動顯示、色彩斑馬紋
- 擷取RAW、TIFF、HEIC及JPG以拍得最佳照片
- 內置水平格線版面
- 強大DNG、JPG、HEIC及動態照片檢視器,內含詳盡後設資料顯示
- 即時RAW沖曬程序以一按快速沖曬
- 技術資料詳讀以檢視你的iPhone相機硬件詳情
- 蘋果手錶伴隨程式以供遙距拍攝
- 支援Siri捷徑以遙距啟動快門或以自動/手動模式開啟Halide
- 全覆蓋強大新功能:以最強智能HDR處理深度融合圖像及智能HDR於小間隔內拍攝兩張照片
- 於程式內參與全面攝影課程以提昇攝影技巧,如10天快速教程
- 私隱保障設計:Halide不含任何追蹤、第三方圖庫、且永不收集資料/圖片及永不傳輸任何資訊。Halide亦包括減低Facebook等公司擷取程式分享相片地點資訊之功能。
iPhone 11及11 Pro之超廣角相機不支援RAW或手動對焦。
波動顯示需iPhone 8或以上(8、X、XS、XR、SE2、11、11 Pro)
深度擷取需iPhone 7 Plus、8 Plus、X、XS、XR、11、11 Pro、或SE2
Halide為Macworld「必須程式」,The Verge「喜愛程式」及The Sweet Setup之「最佳iPhone第三方相機程式」。Daring Fireball「這種對細節的瘋狂專注應獲讚賞。」
這是一款創新的應用程式,攝影極度細緻周全。 憑藉高端工具及為最新iPhone從頭特製,受專業相機啟發的精美版面,Halide是你真正想拍下完美照片時的首選相機。
Halide可手動改變曝光及手動對焦。 以及一掃一轉輕易切換強大自動模式或手動模式。 Halide的專業工具為程式商店中最強,具XDR(延伸動態焦距)14位元RAW串流波動顯示、色彩斑馬、峰值焦點、詳細直方圖、寸鏡、自動調節水平格線聚焦助手、手動深度捕捉及RAW支援。*自定控制以調整工具以適合你的所需。
- 單手可用,美觀、基於手動控制設計的界面
- 以iPhone XR及iPhone SE拍攝寵物及物件
- 手動聚焦,及聚焦寸鏡、峰值焦點等強大工具
- Halide智能RAW之智能自動模式,最佳化的設定含RAW檔機械學習以降低噪值及提升細節
- 全面手動曝光控制,包括快門速度,ISO及白平衡
- iPhone最佳曝光工具:詳細直方圖、14位元RAW串流波動顯示、色彩斑馬紋
- 擷取RAW、TIFF、HEIC及JPG以拍得最佳照片
- 內置水平格線版面
- 強大DNG、JPG、HEIC及動態照片檢視器,內含詳盡後設資料顯示
- 即時RAW沖曬程序以一按快速沖曬
- 技術資料詳讀以檢視你的iPhone相機硬件詳情
- 蘋果手錶伴隨程式以供遙距拍攝
- 支援Siri捷徑以遙距啟動快門或以自動/手動模式開啟Halide
- 全覆蓋強大新功能:以最強智能HDR處理深度融合圖像及智能HDR於小間隔內拍攝兩張照片
- 於程式內參與全面攝影課程以提昇攝影技巧,如10天快速教程
- 私隱保障設計:Halide不含任何追蹤、第三方圖庫、且永不收集資料/圖片及永不傳輸任何資訊。Halide亦包括減低Facebook等公司擷取程式分享相片地點資訊之功能。
iPhone 11及11 Pro之超廣角相機不支援RAW或手動對焦。
波動顯示需iPhone 8或以上(8、X、XS、XR、SE2、11、11 Pro)
深度擷取需iPhone 7 Plus、8 Plus、X、XS、XR、11、11 Pro、或SE2
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Last updated on 2024年08月21日
This update fixes an issue unlocking Halide for folks who purchased it. We sincerely apologize for the issue.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
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Version History
This update fixes an issue unlocking Halide for folks who purchased it. We sincerely apologize for the issue.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
This update fixes a few bugs, typos and... brings Process Zero to the iPhone X and iPhone 8! It also includes everything in our big, 2.15 release:
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Halide 2.15 is here: something we’ve worked on for a very long time.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
Introducing: Process Zero, the Image Lab, and the ultimate level of control over camera processing on iPhone.
When you take a photo on your iPhone, your photo is processed. The newer your iPhone is, the more processing typically happens: sometimes AI even comes in to make significant changes to your shot. People are made brighter, noise is reduced, details enhanced and ‘flaws’ removed.
You might love this, or you might not. That can even change for photo to photo. That made us think: why shouldn’t you be able to choose your processing the way you choose a lens?
Where Halide previously allowed you to reduce processing, Halide 2.15 gives you total control: we now let you choose your image processing from the go. When you first set up Halide, or when you tap the format picker in the app, we now offer a choice:
Apple’s standard image processing, reduced image processing, or something new: Process Zero.
Process Zero is our own process. We take raw sensor data, and do minimal processing to make a beautiful, natural and film-like shot. It’s very quick (up to 20 times faster than ProRAW) it is saved along with a 12 megapixel native RAW file. You can choose it at any time by tapping the “RAW” / “HEIC” format picker icon in the Halide interface, or you can read more and select a process in the Capture settings.
After taking a few shots, using it is simple: on your iPhone, any app you open your photos in will use the Process Zero image, and any editor that supports RAW will open the RAW data for further editing. Easy!
After many releases focusing on the latest and greatest iPhones, we are proud to say that we’ve worked hard to customize and optimize Process Zero for all iPhones we support. Those that do not have ProRAW on their iPhones will benefit from better processing on their RAW shots right away, as well as the Image Lab.
Note: Process Zero is not made for low light photography, as it will get noisy and can get color cast. It has no HDR or AI to tweak its detail or dynamic range. Use this if you want to shoot entirely without Apple’s processing — a bit like an older digital camera, for natural looking shots, or as a starting point for editing.
When we shot with Process Zero, we found we often didn’t want to edit the results much, but we did want to tweak exposure at times. Since all Process Zero shots contain the original RAW data, we decided to add our first editing feature: the Image Lab.
In the reveiwer, tap the small +/- icon to open the Image Lab. Adjusting exposure here will re-process the raw data with Process Zero, letting you often recover lost detail in shadows or highlights. Saving it will keep your RAW intact and save a new Process Zero shot.
Easy, quick adjustments, ideal when you want to skip the editing or get a first pass on your shots.
There’s tweaks and fixes all over, and some new secret additions to those that enjoy customizing Halide. This is our first large release since we released Kino just weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to work hard on bringing you yet another big update for Halide users.
Most importantly: we’d love to see your shots with Process Zero! Tag us on social media with your captures — we’d love to see them.
This update fiddles with our Settings screen. We promise it's worth updating. Stay tuned!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
We have some awesome stuff in the works, but in the mean time, this update fixes some rare crashes. We've also changed some words here and there to make things clearer to users.
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
This update includes stability improvements and bug fixes. OK boss, I just copy pasted the generic release notes in the box on the website we're good to go. Oops, did I type that in here? Wrong window.
Hello, Halide family! We noticed a bug that affected RAW capture for the 2× lens on some iPhones. If you previously saw some behavior there that prevented you from taking RAW shots, try again now. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support@lux.camera. In the meantime, we're also hard at work on... a new app that complements Halide exceptionally well. Follow the journey on our social media channels if you're interested!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
Hello, Halide family! We noticed a bug that affected RAW capture for the 2× lens on some iPhones. If you previously saw some behavior there that prevented you from taking RAW shots, try again now. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support@lux.camera. In the meantime, we're also hard at work on... a new app that complements Halide exceptionally well. Follow the journey on our social media channels if you're interested!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
This update includes stability improvements and bug fixes. OK boss, I just copy pasted the generic release notes in the box on the website we're good to go. Oops, did I type that in here? Wrong window.
Hello, Halide family! We noticed a bug that affected RAW capture for the 2× lens on some iPhones. If you previously saw some behavior there that prevented you from taking RAW shots, try again now. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support@lux.camera. In the meantime, we're also hard at work on... a new app that complements Halide exceptionally well. Follow the journey on our social media channels if you're interested!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
Hello, Halide family! We noticed a bug that affected RAW capture for the 2× lens on some iPhones. If you previously saw some behavior there that prevented you from taking RAW shots, try again now. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support@lux.camera. In the meantime, we're also hard at work on... a new app that complements Halide exceptionally well. Follow the journey on our social media channels if you're interested!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
Hey friends! We have a small update that fixes a crash on the iPhone 15, and fixes our custom action behavior in iOS 17.2. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support@lux.camera.
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
To recap our last big update...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
We hope your 2024 is off to a great start. We know we have an exciting year planned for Halide!
Hi folks — this is a special minor holiday update. For those of you that are short on time: we now support more reliable capture with the volume button on iOS 17.2 and above. That's it. This update also includes fixes in case you saw us ask if you wanted to enroll in lessons a bit too quickly. We hope you have some fantastic holidays and a very happy end of the year!
Still with us? Got some time? OK: for the last years (we are talking 10+ years) it was actually not possible to take a photo with the volume buttons. "Wait, App Store Release Note, that's not true" you will say, "I even took a photo with the volume button in Halide this morning!"
Yes, this is true. Halide has been able to do this since v1.1 which we released in August 22, 2017! The way this worked, however, was by 'listening' to your volume and if it changed. If the volume increased or decreased, Halide would take a photo. We couldn't check if you pressed the button. This led to funny situation: the volume doesn't change if you press 'volume up' at 100% volume, or 'volume down' at 0%. Very perceive users might have noticed that Halide can slightly change your volume when you open it at 100% — that would be why.
As of iOS 17.2, Apple has (finally?) introduced an API for volume button capture, and our long journey has come to a close. Now, iPhones on older versions of iOS will still use this old volume changing behavior, but on iOS 17.2 we will be able to more reliably, and simply, take photos when you press a volume button. Thanks for coming to our TED Talk and happy holidays!
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
Still with us? Got some time? OK: for the last years (we are talking 10+ years) it was actually not possible to take a photo with the volume buttons. "Wait, App Store Release Note, that's not true" you will say, "I even took a photo with the volume button in Halide this morning!"
Yes, this is true. Halide has been able to do this since v1.1 which we released in August 22, 2017! The way this worked, however, was by 'listening' to your volume and if it changed. If the volume increased or decreased, Halide would take a photo. We couldn't check if you pressed the button. This led to funny situation: the volume doesn't change if you press 'volume up' at 100% volume, or 'volume down' at 0%. Very perceive users might have noticed that Halide can slightly change your volume when you open it at 100% — that would be why.
As of iOS 17.2, Apple has (finally?) introduced an API for volume button capture, and our long journey has come to a close. Now, iPhones on older versions of iOS will still use this old volume changing behavior, but on iOS 17.2 we will be able to more reliably, and simply, take photos when you press a volume button. Thanks for coming to our TED Talk and happy holidays!
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
This update fixes a few crashes and other minor bugs. Nothing to call home about.
Previously, on Halide...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
Previously, on Halide...
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
Hello Halide users! Halide 2.14 is here, and it’s an appropriate Winter update. For those of you that know macOS history, you can see Halide 2.14 as a ‘Snow Leopard’ update — while there’s no big feature changes that are visible, the actual app is significantly faster, more reliable, and better.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
In addition to our Zero Shutter Lag feature that reduces delay of capturing a shot to near-zero, we now save those photos faster than ever. In the past, if you took certain types of photos that take seconds to process (we’re looking at you 48 megapixel photos), then if you kept hitting the capture button, your iPhone would get overwhelmed and stop letting you take more photos. Not fun.
With deferred processing, your iPhone now waits to finish processing your photos until you’ve given it a few seconds to rest and take a breath. This helps prevent you from missing that one perfect shot!
Sometimes our image reviewer would load slowly right after taking a photo. This is frustrating when you want to check on your shot — a thing most of us do on a regular basis. Thanks to some serious engineering work by Ben, the reviewer can now show images nearly instantly — and even shows a pre-processed image before the processing has completed. It even has a snazzy processing indicator so you can see your image is being ‘worked on’ by the system before it is ready.
A fun note: this review revamp is so fast that we had to add an artificial delay to test the new processing indicator. It’s really very quick. It is our best photo reviewer yet, and we think you are going to love it.
Oops, this is starting to look like far too substantial a release note. Does anyone even read these? (if you do, leave us a review on the App Store! it really helps out.) Time for the generic boilerplate:
Thanks for using Halide! We update our app regularly to make it better for you. This update includes:
- Performance improvements for smoother and faster experience.
- Bug fixes to ensure a more reliable app.
- Minor enhancements to improve usability.
Thank you all! We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’re excited to show you all we have in stock for you in 2024.
We're constantly working to make the app better based on your feedback and bug reports!
This update:
- Fixes a screen layout issue on older versions of iOS.
- Adds a few missing translations.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update:
- Fixes a screen layout issue on older versions of iOS.
- Adds a few missing translations.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
We're constantly working to make the app better based on your feedback and bug reports!
This update:
- Fixes a rare issue where locking and unlocking your iPhone causes the layout to appear wonky.
- Fixes a home screen widget sometimes not loading with the correct zoom factor.
- Improves some camera plumbing, which helps our support person diagnose problems.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update:
- Fixes a rare issue where locking and unlocking your iPhone causes the layout to appear wonky.
- Fixes a home screen widget sometimes not loading with the correct zoom factor.
- Improves some camera plumbing, which helps our support person diagnose problems.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
We're constantly working to make the app better based on your feedback and bug reports!
This update:
- Fixes an issue where the format button and / or control readout in the top were being cropped by the screen cutout on iPhone 13 and 14 series phones
- Addresses a rare issue in manual mode with the flashlight
- Fixes an issue where phones on older versions of iOS would sometimes run into an error while taking a photo in landscape mode or other situations
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update:
- Fixes an issue where the format button and / or control readout in the top were being cropped by the screen cutout on iPhone 13 and 14 series phones
- Addresses a rare issue in manual mode with the flashlight
- Fixes an issue where phones on older versions of iOS would sometimes run into an error while taking a photo in landscape mode or other situations
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help, and we're working really hard on making the app great. If you love Halide, please leave us a review in the App Store! It really helps.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update fixes an issue where phones on older versions of iOS would sometimes run into an error while taking a photo.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help!
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux.camera. We're here to help!
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update fixes a crash that sometimes occurs on the iPhone 15 when shooting with the 2x zoom. Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux .camera. We're here to help!
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Welcome to Halide 2.13.1! This is a fix and enhance update to our previous big update, 2.13. While some photographers love double exposures, we spotted an issue where some photos got accidental double exposures with HDR effects. We've removed this unsolicited creative effect and also improved responsiveness in capture and other minor issues.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux .camera. We're here to help.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Remember, if you're running into problems, you can always reach our tiny team via in-app support or just an email to support@lux .camera. We're here to help.
Back to the big update:
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Lights. Camera. Action Button.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer.
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Halide 2.13 is here, and it’s an especially powerful update for all our iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max users. Not only do we pack in support to get the best shots from your new cameras — we enable you to do something that no camera on an iPhone has ever been able to do.
Let’s dig in.
Action button on iPhone lets you quickly call up an app from anywhere or even perform a set of actions with a Shortcut. But Halide takes this even further: with the new Action Button menu in Halide, you can configure your Action button to trigger Halide features. Outside of Halide, pressing the Action button will open Halide, but in Halide, it can:
- Toggle manual or autofocus
- Cycle through your lenses
- Switch between auto and manual exposure modes
- Switch between 12 and 48MP capture modes
- Toggle RAW capture
- and even capture a photo! (though, with a delay - we suggest using the volume button instead)
We also offer a quick setup and help with configuring the Action button to just open Halide with no triggers, or a custom Halide Shortcut that opens a menu with various options like Silent mode, Flashlight, Rotation Lock, Camera Video, Camera Photo and Halide*.
This lets you set up and use the new button in ways you’ve never even imagined. We’re really excited to see what you think and how you’re going to be using it!
*please note that using other actions or shortcuts than ‘Open Halide with In-App Triggers’ will disable In-App Triggers.
When you tap capture, it will immediately capture what was in the viewfinder. Note: it cannot support the following modes:
- Flash Photos
- Manual-Exposure
- Dual-Camera Depth Photos (i.e. “Constituent Photo Delivery”)
- Bracket captures (e.g. SmartRAW)
When you smash that capture button, we may temporarily reduce quality to prioritize speed and ensure you don't lose any shots. You can disable this in settings.
We now render HDR in the photo reviewer.
If you love Halide, consider leaving a review. They go a long way! If you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro users — we got you. We're hard at work on our next big thing, but for now we're bringing you this small update just for you.
You now have access to our "Format" button adjacent to the dynamic island, which lets you know the file-format you're capturing at a glance. In our home and Lock Screen widgets, we've updated our telephoto shortcut label to say "5×" on the iPhone 15 Pro. Stay tuned, because we have a much bigger update in the works!
It's that special time of year when new devices arrive from Cupertino, along with a big OS update to support them. But these updates can also breath new life into existing phones, and we're harnessing that with Halide 2.12. For a long, detailed description of what's new (with photos), be sure to check out our website, https://lux.camera, but read on for a summary that fits in release notes!
In the past, when you pressed that capture button, what you saw in your viewfinder wasn't always the photo that got captured. In the best case, it would capture the *next* image that arrived at your sensor. With this update, no more!
Behind the scenes, your iPhone is constantly capturing photos-- it just isn't doing anything with them. Now when you press that capture button, your iPhone look back on those recently photos and figures out which one was visible in the viewfinder at the time. Now what you see is what you get!
Zero Shutter Lag is not available in every capture configuration. For more details, check out our website.
When you have all of the iPhone's advanced photo processing enabled, if you quickly smash that capture button, you'll find that the iPhone has difficulty keeping up. Rather than crash, your iPhone stops taking photos for a moment while it catches up. Unfortunately, this could cause you to miss the perfect photo. No more!
With responsive capture-- which is enabled by default-- your iPhone will dynamically cut down on processing when it detects that you're capturing a lot of photos at once. You may lose Deep Fusion and SmartHDR, but at least you won't lose the shot. If you don't like this behavior, and want to ensure all processing happens all the time, there's a setting to turn this off.
In the last few years, new devices have been released that can display bright images than ever before. You'll really notice this when you take a photo of a very bright object, like a lightbulb. It just seems to pop more on "High Dynamic Range" (HDR) screens.
Believe it or not, for years iPhones have been capturing photos that contain this extra brightness, and saving them in your photos. You wouldn't know, because there was no way for outside developers to actually show these HDR photos. Until now! With our latest Halide update, the highlights in your HDR images will now show in all their brightness.
With every OS update comes new features and new... surprises... we had to fix. This update contains those fixes, such as our widgets having their borders cropped incorrectly. Hey, we aren't perfect, so we've also taken some time to address our own bugs. For example, we rewrote our icon picker screen to fix layout glitches.
If you run into anything we haven't caught, be sure to email us at support@lux.camera, and we'll get right on it. And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured in our social media accounts.
We hope you enjoy this first update of fall, because we have a lot more in store!
— Team Lux
You now have access to our "Format" button adjacent to the dynamic island, which lets you know the file-format you're capturing at a glance. In our home and Lock Screen widgets, we've updated our telephoto shortcut label to say "5×" on the iPhone 15 Pro. Stay tuned, because we have a much bigger update in the works!
It's that special time of year when new devices arrive from Cupertino, along with a big OS update to support them. But these updates can also breath new life into existing phones, and we're harnessing that with Halide 2.12. For a long, detailed description of what's new (with photos), be sure to check out our website, https://lux.camera, but read on for a summary that fits in release notes!
In the past, when you pressed that capture button, what you saw in your viewfinder wasn't always the photo that got captured. In the best case, it would capture the *next* image that arrived at your sensor. With this update, no more!
Behind the scenes, your iPhone is constantly capturing photos-- it just isn't doing anything with them. Now when you press that capture button, your iPhone look back on those recently photos and figures out which one was visible in the viewfinder at the time. Now what you see is what you get!
Zero Shutter Lag is not available in every capture configuration. For more details, check out our website.
When you have all of the iPhone's advanced photo processing enabled, if you quickly smash that capture button, you'll find that the iPhone has difficulty keeping up. Rather than crash, your iPhone stops taking photos for a moment while it catches up. Unfortunately, this could cause you to miss the perfect photo. No more!
With responsive capture-- which is enabled by default-- your iPhone will dynamically cut down on processing when it detects that you're capturing a lot of photos at once. You may lose Deep Fusion and SmartHDR, but at least you won't lose the shot. If you don't like this behavior, and want to ensure all processing happens all the time, there's a setting to turn this off.
In the last few years, new devices have been released that can display bright images than ever before. You'll really notice this when you take a photo of a very bright object, like a lightbulb. It just seems to pop more on "High Dynamic Range" (HDR) screens.
Believe it or not, for years iPhones have been capturing photos that contain this extra brightness, and saving them in your photos. You wouldn't know, because there was no way for outside developers to actually show these HDR photos. Until now! With our latest Halide update, the highlights in your HDR images will now show in all their brightness.
With every OS update comes new features and new... surprises... we had to fix. This update contains those fixes, such as our widgets having their borders cropped incorrectly. Hey, we aren't perfect, so we've also taken some time to address our own bugs. For example, we rewrote our icon picker screen to fix layout glitches.
If you run into anything we haven't caught, be sure to email us at support@lux.camera, and we'll get right on it. And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured in our social media accounts.
We hope you enjoy this first update of fall, because we have a lot more in store!
— Team Lux
It's that special time of year when new devices arrive from Cupertino, along with a big OS update to support them. But these updates can also breath new life into existing phones, and we're harnessing that with Halide 2.12. For a long, detailed description of what's new (with photos), be sure to check out our website, https://lux.camera, but read on for a summary that fits in release notes!
In the past, when you pressed that capture button, what you saw in your viewfinder wasn't always the photo that got captured. In the best case, it would capture the *next* image that arrived at your sensor. With this update, no more!
Behind the scenes, your iPhone is constantly capturing photos-- it just isn't doing anything with them. Now when you press that capture button, your iPhone look back on those recently photos and figures out which one was visible in the viewfinder at the time. Now what you see is what you get!
Zero Shutter Lag is not available in every capture configuration. For more details, check out our website.
When you have all of the iPhone's advanced photo processing enabled, if you quickly smash that capture button, you'll find that the iPhone has difficulty keeping up. Rather than crash, your iPhone stops taking photos for a moment while it catches up. Unfortunately, this could cause you to miss the perfect photo. No more!
With responsive capture-- which is enabled by default-- your iPhone will dynamically cut down on processing when it detects that you're capturing a lot of photos at once. You may lose Deep Fusion and SmartHDR, but at least you won't lose the shot. If you don't like this behavior, and want to ensure all processing happens all the time, there's a setting to turn this off.
In the last few years, new devices have been released that can display bright images than ever before. You'll really notice this when you take a photo of a very bright object, like a lightbulb. It just seems to pop more on "High Dynamic Range" (HDR) screens.
Believe it or not, for years iPhones have been capturing photos that contain this extra brightness, and saving them in your photos. You wouldn't know, because there was no way for outside developers to actually show these HDR photos. Until now! With our latest Halide update, the highlights in your HDR images will now show in all their brightness.
With every OS update comes new features and new... surprises... we had to fix. This update contains those fixes, such as our widgets having their borders cropped incorrectly. Hey, we aren't perfect, so we've also taken some time to address our own bugs. For example, we rewrote our icon picker screen to fix layout glitches.
If you run into anything we haven't caught, be sure to email us at support@lux.camera, and we'll get right on it. And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured in our social media accounts.
We hope you enjoy this first update of fall, because we have a lot more in store!
— Team Lux
It's that special time of year when new devices arrive from Cupertino, along with a big OS update to support them. But these updates can also breath new life into existing phones, and we're harnessing that with Halide 2.12. For a long, detailed description of what's new (with photos), be sure to check out our website, https://lux.camera, but read on for a summary that fits in release notes!
In the past, when you pressed that capture button, what you saw in your viewfinder wasn't always the photo that got captured. In the best case, it would capture the *next* image that arrived at your sensor. With this update, no more!
Behind the scenes, your iPhone is constantly capturing photos-- it just isn't doing anything with them. Now when you press that capture button, your iPhone look back on those recently photos and figures out which one was visible in the viewfinder at the time. Now what you see is what you get!
Zero Shutter Lag is not available in every capture configuration. For more details, check out our website.
When you have all of the iPhone's advanced photo processing enabled, if you quickly smash that capture button, you'll find that the iPhone has difficulty keeping up. Rather than crash, your iPhone stops taking photos for a moment while it catches up. Unfortunately, this could cause you to miss the perfect photo. No more!
With responsive capture-- which is enabled by default-- your iPhone will dynamically cut down on processing when it detects that you're capturing a lot of photos at once. You may lose Deep Fusion and SmartHDR, but at least you won't lose the shot. If you don't like this behavior, and want to ensure all processing happens all the time, there's a setting to turn this off.
In the last few years, new devices have been released that can display bright images than ever before. You'll really notice this when you take a photo of a very bright object, like a lightbulb. It just seems to pop more on "High Dynamic Range" (HDR) screens.
Believe it or not, for years iPhones have been capturing photos that contain this extra brightness, and saving them in your photos. You wouldn't know, because there was no way for outside developers to actually show these HDR photos. Until now! With our latest Halide update, the highlights in your HDR images will now show in all their brightness.
With every OS update comes new features and new... surprises... we had to fix. This update contains those fixes, such as our widgets having their borders cropped incorrectly. Hey, we aren't perfect, so we've also taken some time to address our own bugs. For example, we rewrote our icon picker screen to fix layout glitches.
If you run into anything we haven't caught, be sure to email us at support@lux.camera, and we'll get right on it. And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured in our social media accounts.
We hope you enjoy this first update of fall, because we have a lot more in store!
— Team Lux
This small update fixes an issue with lens switching on older devices.
This update includes a little bonus something for Halide members. Stay tuned!
This small update includes a few bug fixes from our last major release. If you ran into issues setting manual exposure times, this update is for you! If not, you can still enjoy our updated localizations and other small fixes.
This update builds on our last huge release...
This update goes out to the regular, non Pro iPhone users who need a little extra detail in their shots. Why should the iPhone Pro have all the zoom-fun? We're excited to launch a feature we call "Neural Telephoto."
Neural Telephoto gives non-Pro iPhones that lack a physical telephoto lens a new power. Think of it as a virtual telephoto lens. Normally, when you zoom in on an image using software, you get blurry results, and diagonal lines look a bit jagged. With Neural Telephoto, we enhance details in zoomed shots by applying the same machine-learning system that powers our acclaimed macro mode — giving you a new, virtual 2× lens for free!
Obviously software can't beat a real telephoto lens on an iPhone Pro, but Neural Telephoto preserves details better than most software. We’re excited to finally bring a feature to our non-Pro iPhone users, too. We think you all deserve it.
A note for the Pros: Neural Telephoto shots will be zoomed and enhanced using machine learning in HEIC and JPEG, but will capture an unedited, unzoomed full RAW file for you to adjust if you so desire. By default, Halide will shoot in RAW + JPEG mode, which will give you an un-altered RAW file along with a zoomed and enhanced JPEG file. We think it’s the best of both worlds; no surprises or less-than-RAW output.
This update also brings small design enhancements and improvements throughout for all our users.
Whew, that’s it! Let us know what you think and share your Neural Telephoto shots with us! Find us on Instagram at @halidecamera, on Twtiter as @halideapp and new: you can also follow us on Mastodon at Halide@mastodon.social And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured!
If you have any issues or suggestions, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update builds on our last huge release...
This update goes out to the regular, non Pro iPhone users who need a little extra detail in their shots. Why should the iPhone Pro have all the zoom-fun? We're excited to launch a feature we call "Neural Telephoto."
Neural Telephoto gives non-Pro iPhones that lack a physical telephoto lens a new power. Think of it as a virtual telephoto lens. Normally, when you zoom in on an image using software, you get blurry results, and diagonal lines look a bit jagged. With Neural Telephoto, we enhance details in zoomed shots by applying the same machine-learning system that powers our acclaimed macro mode — giving you a new, virtual 2× lens for free!
Obviously software can't beat a real telephoto lens on an iPhone Pro, but Neural Telephoto preserves details better than most software. We’re excited to finally bring a feature to our non-Pro iPhone users, too. We think you all deserve it.
A note for the Pros: Neural Telephoto shots will be zoomed and enhanced using machine learning in HEIC and JPEG, but will capture an unedited, unzoomed full RAW file for you to adjust if you so desire. By default, Halide will shoot in RAW + JPEG mode, which will give you an un-altered RAW file along with a zoomed and enhanced JPEG file. We think it’s the best of both worlds; no surprises or less-than-RAW output.
This update also brings small design enhancements and improvements throughout for all our users.
Whew, that’s it! Let us know what you think and share your Neural Telephoto shots with us! Find us on Instagram at @halidecamera, on Twtiter as @halideapp and new: you can also follow us on Mastodon at Halide@mastodon.social And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured!
If you have any issues or suggestions, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update goes out to the regular, non Pro iPhone users who need a little extra detail in their shots. Why should the iPhone Pro have all the zoom-fun? We're excited to launch a feature we call "Neural Telephoto."
Neural Telephoto gives non-Pro iPhones that lack a physical telephoto lens a new power. Think of it as a virtual telephoto lens. Normally, when you zoom in on an image using software, you get blurry results, and diagonal lines look a bit jagged. With Neural Telephoto, we enhance details in zoomed shots by applying the same machine-learning system that powers our acclaimed macro mode — giving you a new, virtual 2× lens for free!
Obviously software can't beat a real telephoto lens on an iPhone Pro, but Neural Telephoto preserves details better than most software. We’re excited to finally bring a feature to our non-Pro iPhone users, too. We think you all deserve it.
A note for the Pros: Neural Telephoto shots will be zoomed and enhanced using machine learning in HEIC and JPEG, but will capture an unedited, unzoomed full RAW file for you to adjust if you so desire. By default, Halide will shoot in RAW + JPEG mode, which will give you an un-altered RAW file along with a zoomed and enhanced JPEG file. We think it’s the best of both worlds; no surprises or less-than-RAW output.
This update also brings small design enhancements and improvements throughout for all our users.
Whew, that’s it! Let us know what you think and share your Neural Telephoto shots with us! Find us on Instagram at @halidecamera, on Twtiter as @halideapp and new: you can also follow us on Mastodon at Halide@mastodon.social And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured!
If you have any issues or suggestions, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
This update goes out to the regular, non Pro iPhone users who need a little extra detail in their shots. Why should the iPhone Pro have all the zoom-fun? We're excited to launch a feature we call "Neural Telephoto."
Neural Telephoto gives non-Pro iPhones that lack a physical telephoto lens a new power. Think of it as a virtual telephoto lens. Normally, when you zoom in on an image using software, you get blurry results, and diagonal lines look a bit jagged. With Neural Telephoto, we enhance details in zoomed shots by applying the same machine-learning system that powers our acclaimed macro mode — giving you a new, virtual 2× lens for free!
Obviously software can't beat a real telephoto lens on an iPhone Pro, but Neural Telephoto preserves details better than most software. We’re excited to finally bring a feature to our non-Pro iPhone users, too. We think you all deserve it.
A note for the Pros: Neural Telephoto shots will be zoomed and enhanced using machine learning in HEIC and JPEG, but will capture an unedited, unzoomed full RAW file for you to adjust if you so desire. By default, Halide will shoot in RAW + JPEG mode, which will give you an un-altered RAW file along with a zoomed and enhanced JPEG file. We think it’s the best of both worlds; no surprises or less-than-RAW output.
This update also brings small design enhancements and improvements throughout for all our users.
Whew, that’s it! Let us know what you think and share your Neural Telephoto shots with us! Find us on Instagram at @halidecamera, on Twtiter as @halideapp and new: you can also follow us on Mastodon at Halide@mastodon.social And don't forget to tag your photos #ShotWithHalide for a chance to be featured!
If you have any issues or suggestions, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
Halide Mark II - Pro Camera FAQ
點擊此處瞭解如何在受限國家或地區下載Halide Mark II - Pro Camera。
以下為Halide Mark II - Pro Camera的最低配置要求。
須使用 iOS 16.0 或以上版本。
須使用 iPadOS 16.0 或以上版本。
Apple Watch
須使用 watchOS 4.0 或以上版本。
Halide Mark II - Pro Camera支持俄文, 德文, 意大利文, 日文, 法文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英文, 荷蘭文, 西班牙文, 韓文
Halide Mark II - Pro Camera包含應用內購買。 以下為Halide Mark II - Pro Camera應用內購買價格清單。
One Time Purchase