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Lux Optics Incorporated
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Spectre 相機 螢幕截圖
About Spectre 相機
「Spectre 是全新的 iOS 相機應用程式,採用人工智慧功能,打造迷人的長曝光效果」 — The Verge 網站
為你介紹 Spectre,此應用程式是由 App Store 中的頂尖相機應用程式 Halide 的開發公司打造。
Spectre 運用人工智慧,協助你創作令人讚嘆的長曝光照片。Spectre 能夠移除路人、讓城市街道成為光軌、讓瀑布如畫一般,當然還有其他功能。直到現在,拍攝長曝光照片還是很困難:保持相機穩定和猜測所需進光量都很麻煩。但是,Spectre 能夠為你打點一切!
• 讓路人消失:Spectre 能協助你拍攝熙來攘往的觀光景點。只要把時間設定成中或長時間,然後拍照,就能清除照片中的人群。用存在你腦海中的面貌來攫取特別時刻。
• 光軌:到了晚上,人工智慧場景辨識功能會自動切換模式,描繪出美麗的光軌,創造美妙的城市夜景照片,或是以光為畫筆畫出的圖。
• 美妙水景:捕捉瀑布、海浪、湧泉和許多景色的朦朧水景。
Spectre 的智慧計算快門能在數秒內拍下幾百張照片,然後將其儲存為原況照片。這代表你能夠挑選照片中的不同畫面、套用原況照片特效,還能使用長曝光照片當作動態背景!
Spectre 具備 Halide 團隊提供的強悍科技。
包括機器學習式場景偵測功能,以及電腦視覺輔助影像穩定功能,Spectre 擁有全方位的驚人科技,讓你能夠拍出絕佳照片。
Spectre 的設計精細無比。夜間攝影時,其深色 UI 能保護眼睛。美麗的閃爍明亮效果,充滿獨特風格。自訂字型和圖像,結合獨特而順暢的控制項目,讓你宛如能摸到實際相機一樣,也能體會愉快的操控感。本應用程式就如姐妹應用程式 Halide 一樣,能夠單手輕鬆使用,即便是尺寸較大的 iPhone 也沒問題。
Spectre 以最新科技打造,絕非只是長曝光相機 — 它的高科技正是 App Store 一流相機應用程式 Halide 的體現。以下簡列我們用於 Spectre 的全新技術:
- DCI-P3 廣色域
- 原況照片
- Metal 繪圖加速功能
- 三腳架偵測
- Siri 及捷徑
- AI 穩定功能
- 機器學習及 CoreML
- 電腦視覺
Spectre 的智慧型自動場景偵測功能需要使用 iOS 12 版。以人工智慧為基礎的穩定功能需要使用 iPhone 6S 及更新機型*。如欲獲得最佳體驗,我們建議使用 iPhone 8 或更新機型。
Spectre 在 iPhone 6 上會以較低解析度拍攝。
*(完全相容的裝置列表:Phone SE、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus、iPhone X、iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max、iPhone XR 及 iPhone 11 Pro Max)
我們是 Ben 和 Sebastiaan,是來自舊金山灣區的兩個好友,熱愛創造絕佳攝影應用程式。
希望你喜歡 Spectre!我們需要你的回饋意見,來讓這個應用程式變得更好,也希望你能回報遇到的程式問題。無論何時,你都可以直接購透過下列方式聯絡我們,電子郵件:support@halide.cam、Twitter:@halidecamera 或 Instagram:@halideapp
別忘了,請使用 #SpectreShot 標註你的美麗相片,讓我們在社群媒體帳號上分享你的作品!
為你介紹 Spectre,此應用程式是由 App Store 中的頂尖相機應用程式 Halide 的開發公司打造。
Spectre 運用人工智慧,協助你創作令人讚嘆的長曝光照片。Spectre 能夠移除路人、讓城市街道成為光軌、讓瀑布如畫一般,當然還有其他功能。直到現在,拍攝長曝光照片還是很困難:保持相機穩定和猜測所需進光量都很麻煩。但是,Spectre 能夠為你打點一切!
• 讓路人消失:Spectre 能協助你拍攝熙來攘往的觀光景點。只要把時間設定成中或長時間,然後拍照,就能清除照片中的人群。用存在你腦海中的面貌來攫取特別時刻。
• 光軌:到了晚上,人工智慧場景辨識功能會自動切換模式,描繪出美麗的光軌,創造美妙的城市夜景照片,或是以光為畫筆畫出的圖。
• 美妙水景:捕捉瀑布、海浪、湧泉和許多景色的朦朧水景。
Spectre 的智慧計算快門能在數秒內拍下幾百張照片,然後將其儲存為原況照片。這代表你能夠挑選照片中的不同畫面、套用原況照片特效,還能使用長曝光照片當作動態背景!
Spectre 具備 Halide 團隊提供的強悍科技。
包括機器學習式場景偵測功能,以及電腦視覺輔助影像穩定功能,Spectre 擁有全方位的驚人科技,讓你能夠拍出絕佳照片。
Spectre 的設計精細無比。夜間攝影時,其深色 UI 能保護眼睛。美麗的閃爍明亮效果,充滿獨特風格。自訂字型和圖像,結合獨特而順暢的控制項目,讓你宛如能摸到實際相機一樣,也能體會愉快的操控感。本應用程式就如姐妹應用程式 Halide 一樣,能夠單手輕鬆使用,即便是尺寸較大的 iPhone 也沒問題。
Spectre 以最新科技打造,絕非只是長曝光相機 — 它的高科技正是 App Store 一流相機應用程式 Halide 的體現。以下簡列我們用於 Spectre 的全新技術:
- DCI-P3 廣色域
- 原況照片
- Metal 繪圖加速功能
- 三腳架偵測
- Siri 及捷徑
- AI 穩定功能
- 機器學習及 CoreML
- 電腦視覺
Spectre 的智慧型自動場景偵測功能需要使用 iOS 12 版。以人工智慧為基礎的穩定功能需要使用 iPhone 6S 及更新機型*。如欲獲得最佳體驗,我們建議使用 iPhone 8 或更新機型。
Spectre 在 iPhone 6 上會以較低解析度拍攝。
*(完全相容的裝置列表:Phone SE、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus、iPhone X、iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max、iPhone XR 及 iPhone 11 Pro Max)
我們是 Ben 和 Sebastiaan,是來自舊金山灣區的兩個好友,熱愛創造絕佳攝影應用程式。
希望你喜歡 Spectre!我們需要你的回饋意見,來讓這個應用程式變得更好,也希望你能回報遇到的程式問題。無論何時,你都可以直接購透過下列方式聯絡我們,電子郵件:support@halide.cam、Twitter:@halidecamera 或 Instagram:@halideapp
別忘了,請使用 #SpectreShot 標註你的美麗相片,讓我們在社群媒體帳號上分享你的作品!
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Last updated on 2023年10月10日
Welcome to Spectre 1.5.4! This update brings support to all of the latest and greatest iPhones — full 5× tetraprism support, extra tweaks and fixes and more. Spectre is still the best app for long exposures on iPhone, and we'll keep on making it better and great on the latest hardware.
We hope you love this update — if you love our app, consider leaving us a review or rating in the App Store. It helps us a lot!
- Ben & Sebastiaan from Lux
We hope you love this update — if you love our app, consider leaving us a review or rating in the App Store. It helps us a lot!
- Ben & Sebastiaan from Lux
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Version History
Welcome to Spectre 1.5.4! This update brings support to all of the latest and greatest iPhones — full 5× tetraprism support, extra tweaks and fixes and more. Spectre is still the best app for long exposures on iPhone, and we'll keep on making it better and great on the latest hardware.
We hope you love this update — if you love our app, consider leaving us a review or rating in the App Store. It helps us a lot!
- Ben & Sebastiaan from Lux
We hope you love this update — if you love our app, consider leaving us a review or rating in the App Store. It helps us a lot!
- Ben & Sebastiaan from Lux
This update improves the experience if you only grant limited photo library access. It also fixes some issues with the interface on very small phones. Of course it also contains all the awesome stuff from our big 1.5 release!
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
This update improves the experience if you only grant limited photo library access. It also fixes some issues with the interface on very small phones. Of course it also contains all the awesome stuff from our big 1.5 release!
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're excited to launch this major update to Spectre, allowing you to capture long exposures up to 30 seconds! We've also improved support for the latest Apple devices. This upgrade is FREE to anyone who has already purchased Spectre.
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
We're also adding a "Pro" unlock within the app that adds a few more goodies, such as a custom icon. Again, if you've already purchased Spectre, this doesn't unlock any new capture features. If you already paid for Spectre, upgrading to Pro just unlocks a few perks as a small thank you for supporting Spectre's continued development.
We're excited to get this update out there, and we'd love to hear your feedback. Please let us know what you think by emailing support@lux.camera, or message us on BlueSky, Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Twitter, or aldis lamp. And don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot for a chance to be featured!
— Team Lux
This small update improves compatibility with the latest iPhones. On iPhone 13 Pro, the telephoto lens is properly labeled "3x" instead of "2.5x." We've also addressed other small bug bugs.
This small update fixes a few bugs in iOS 14.3. If you’re running an iPhone 12 Pro Max, you’ll find that the telephoto lens now properly displays 2.5x instead of 2x. If you have any bug reports or general feedback, please let us know at support@lux.camera.
If you're upgrading to iOS 14, this update should resolve any issues you might have if you set Spectre's photo access permissions to "Limited."
We apologize if you run into an issue running Spectre for the first time after upgrading; you may be shown the opening tutorial launch, and then prompted for photo library permissions. The surprise release of iOS 14 caught us a bit off guard, so a bug fix didn't make the cut. We promise to do a better job planning around these surprises in the future.
Unrelated, we have some exciting things to announce in the next few weeks. Make sure you're following @halidecamera on Twitter!
We apologize if you run into an issue running Spectre for the first time after upgrading; you may be shown the opening tutorial launch, and then prompted for photo library permissions. The surprise release of iOS 14 caught us a bit off guard, so a bug fix didn't make the cut. We promise to do a better job planning around these surprises in the future.
Unrelated, we have some exciting things to announce in the next few weeks. Make sure you're following @halidecamera on Twitter!
This update adds official support for the new iPhone SE!
If you have any feedback, let us know through the link in the description. You can also reach out to @halidecamera on Twitter. Happy shooting!
-- Ben & Sebastiaan
If you have any feedback, let us know through the link in the description. You can also reach out to @halidecamera on Twitter. Happy shooting!
-- Ben & Sebastiaan
Thank you for supporting Spectre, Apple’s iPhone App of the Year of 2019! In this update, we've fixed an issue adding and removing Siri Shortcuts from within settings, along with other small bug fixes.
If you have any bug reports or other feedback, feel free to either email support or send us a message directly on Twitter at @HalideCamera.
Stay tuned. We have an exciting year ahead!
-- Ben & Sebastiaan
If you have any bug reports or other feedback, feel free to either email support or send us a message directly on Twitter at @HalideCamera.
Stay tuned. We have an exciting year ahead!
-- Ben & Sebastiaan
We couldn't have built the iPhone App of the Year without your kind words and support. We’re humbled by the recognition, your kind reviews and messages, and your beautiful images. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
This update fixes a crash that happens when iCloud has trouble syncing. We've also fixed a color bug in the "About" screen. If you have any bugs or general feedback, please let us know at support@halide.cam.
-— Ben & Sebastiaan
This update fixes a crash that happens when iCloud has trouble syncing. We've also fixed a color bug in the "About" screen. If you have any bugs or general feedback, please let us know at support@halide.cam.
-— Ben & Sebastiaan
iPhone 11 users rejoice! This update adds support for the new ultra-wide camera on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. We've got cool stuff planned to further take advantage of these new devices.
If you have any feedback about Spectre or run into bugs, we're always listening and ready to help. The best way to contact us is support@halide.cam — comments, questions and praise are always welcome.
Don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot to be featured on our Instagram!
—Ben & Sebastiaan
iPhone 11 users rejoice! This update adds support for the new ultra-wide camera on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. We've got cool stuff planned to further take advantage of these new devices.
If you have any feedback about Spectre or run into bugs, we're always listening and ready to help. The best way to contact us is support@halide.cam — comments, questions and praise are always welcome.
Don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot to be featured on our Instagram!
—Ben & Sebastiaan
iPhone 11 users rejoice! This update adds support for the new ultra-wide camera on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. We've got cool stuff planned to further take advantage of these new devices.
If you have any feedback about Spectre or run into bugs, we're always listening and ready to help. The best way to contact us is support@halide.cam — comments, questions and praise are always welcome.
Don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot to be featured on our Instagram!
—Ben & Sebastiaan
iPhone 11 users rejoice! This update adds support for the new ultra-wide camera on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. We've got cool stuff planned to further take advantage of these new devices.
If you have any feedback about Spectre or run into bugs, we're always listening and ready to help. The best way to contact us is support@halide.cam — comments, questions and praise are always welcome.
Don't forget to tag your photos #SpectreShot to be featured on our Instagram!
—Ben & Sebastiaan
This small update improves focus when shooting in low-light, and some localization bugs. But we've got bigger things in the works, so watch this space!
感謝你們讓 Spectre 如此成功!我們很高興能以大家的回饋意見為根基,推出這次的大型更新。
iPhone 7、6S 和 SE 使用者現在能夠使用人工智慧穩定功能囉 ! 手持攝影畫質變得更清晰,只要等到「穩定」指示亮起,然後拍下照片。
享受這次的更新嗎?我們修正了您遇到的問題了嗎?或是你就是喜歡 Spectre?誠摯邀請你留下評論,這對我們助益良多。
如果有遺漏事項,請傳送電子郵件至 support@chromanoir.com,我們很榮幸能提供協助。
— Ben & Sebastiaan
iPhone 7、6S 和 SE 使用者現在能夠使用人工智慧穩定功能囉 ! 手持攝影畫質變得更清晰,只要等到「穩定」指示亮起,然後拍下照片。
享受這次的更新嗎?我們修正了您遇到的問題了嗎?或是你就是喜歡 Spectre?誠摯邀請你留下評論,這對我們助益良多。
如果有遺漏事項,請傳送電子郵件至 support@chromanoir.com,我們很榮幸能提供協助。
— Ben & Sebastiaan
Thank you for helping make Spectre such a success! We're excited to release this hefty update based on your feedback.
AI Stabilization is now available to iPhone 7, 6S and SE users! Handheld shots will be significantly sharper. Just wait for "STABLE" to light up, and snap away.
When shooting light trails, we've increased stabilization on all devices. It took some work to do this without compromising quality, but we think the wait was worth it.
We've increased the resolution of the video we save as part of your live photo. That means more details when you go back to edit the long exposure, or share the video. You didn't know you could share the video? Just tap the movie-share button in the bottom of our photo reviewer.
For our vision impaired users, we've significantly improved voiceover support.
Finally, we've fixed a bunch of small things. We improved the metadata we save in images, so they show the right duration. We've fixed our top crash, and fixed some bugs in Dutch localization. More localizations are coming soon!
Enjoy the update? Fixed an issue you had? Or just love Spectre? We’d love it if you left us a review. It helps us a lot.
If we missed something, please email us at support@chromanoir.com, and we're happy to help.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
AI Stabilization is now available to iPhone 7, 6S and SE users! Handheld shots will be significantly sharper. Just wait for "STABLE" to light up, and snap away.
When shooting light trails, we've increased stabilization on all devices. It took some work to do this without compromising quality, but we think the wait was worth it.
We've increased the resolution of the video we save as part of your live photo. That means more details when you go back to edit the long exposure, or share the video. You didn't know you could share the video? Just tap the movie-share button in the bottom of our photo reviewer.
For our vision impaired users, we've significantly improved voiceover support.
Finally, we've fixed a bunch of small things. We improved the metadata we save in images, so they show the right duration. We've fixed our top crash, and fixed some bugs in Dutch localization. More localizations are coming soon!
Enjoy the update? Fixed an issue you had? Or just love Spectre? We’d love it if you left us a review. It helps us a lot.
If we missed something, please email us at support@chromanoir.com, and we're happy to help.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
Thank you for helping make Spectre such a success! We're excited to release this hefty update based on your feedback.
AI Stabilization is now available to iPhone 7, 6S and SE users! Handheld shots will be significantly sharper. Just wait for "STABLE" to light up, and snap away.
When shooting light trails, we've increased stabilization on all devices. It took some work to do this without compromising quality, but we think the wait was worth it.
We've increased the resolution of the video we save as part of your live photo. That means more details when you go back to edit the long exposure, or share the video. You didn't know you could share the video? Just tap the movie-share button in the bottom of our photo reviewer.
For our vision impaired users, we've significantly improved voiceover support.
Finally, we've fixed a bunch of small things. We improved the metadata we save in images, so they show the right duration. We've fixed our top crash. We added a little more polish here and there.
Enjoy the update? Fixed an issue you had? Or just love Spectre? We’d love it if you left us a review. It helps us a lot.
If we missed something, please email us at support@chromanoir.com, and we're happy to help.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
AI Stabilization is now available to iPhone 7, 6S and SE users! Handheld shots will be significantly sharper. Just wait for "STABLE" to light up, and snap away.
When shooting light trails, we've increased stabilization on all devices. It took some work to do this without compromising quality, but we think the wait was worth it.
We've increased the resolution of the video we save as part of your live photo. That means more details when you go back to edit the long exposure, or share the video. You didn't know you could share the video? Just tap the movie-share button in the bottom of our photo reviewer.
For our vision impaired users, we've significantly improved voiceover support.
Finally, we've fixed a bunch of small things. We improved the metadata we save in images, so they show the right duration. We've fixed our top crash. We added a little more polish here and there.
Enjoy the update? Fixed an issue you had? Or just love Spectre? We’d love it if you left us a review. It helps us a lot.
If we missed something, please email us at support@chromanoir.com, and we're happy to help.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
Here’s another update, hot off the presses! First off, thank you all for your feedback and amazing responses and shots shared. It’s been an incredible launch!
This update fixes a few issues, including:
* The water tutorial in settings crashes when loading
* Flipping the camera randomly crashes
* Color bands appearing on the edge of the photo
Love Spectre? Did our update fix an issue you were having? Consider leaving us a review! It helps us a lot.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
This update fixes a few issues, including:
* The water tutorial in settings crashes when loading
* Flipping the camera randomly crashes
* Color bands appearing on the edge of the photo
Love Spectre? Did our update fix an issue you were having? Consider leaving us a review! It helps us a lot.
— Ben & Sebastiaan
This small update fixes a few issues:
* Auto focus misbehaving — if you got some blurry shots, try it now!
* Stabilization sensitivity
* Screen flicker on certain phones
* Numbers on the duration dial getting cut-off
* The status bar disappearing in settings
Did we miss a bug? Please reach out at support@chromanoir.com and we'll look right into it.
Thanks for your feedback — if you love Spectre, please give us a review in the App Store. It helps us tremendously!
* Auto focus misbehaving — if you got some blurry shots, try it now!
* Stabilization sensitivity
* Screen flicker on certain phones
* Numbers on the duration dial getting cut-off
* The status bar disappearing in settings
Did we miss a bug? Please reach out at support@chromanoir.com and we'll look right into it.
Thanks for your feedback — if you love Spectre, please give us a review in the App Store. It helps us tremendously!
Spectre 相機 價格
HK$ 38.00
Spectre 相機 FAQ
點擊此處瞭解如何在受限國家或地區下載Spectre 相機。
以下為Spectre 相機的最低配置要求。
須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。
iPod touch
須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。
Spectre 相機支持德文, 意大利文, 日文, 法文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英文, 荷蘭文, 西班牙文, 韓文
Spectre 相機包含應用內購買。 以下為Spectre 相機應用內購買價格清單。
Spectre Pro
HK$ 38.00
Latest introduction video of Spectre 相機 on iPhone